Saturday, October 23, 2010

Never Say, Never in America

Time after time over the past 2 years, I've found myself prefacing sentences with "I never thought I would see the day in America that . . . " followed by something the current regime has done or is planning to do, that goes against the very grain of what America is. Let me give you some examples. I never thought I would see the day in America that we would have self-described communists, socialists, marxists and maoists in high positions in the American government; not only that, given wide-ranging powers and massive amounts of our tax-payer dollars to further their communist, socialist, marxist or maoist agendas. I never thought I would see the day in America that "devout muslims" would be in powerful positions in our Department of Homeland Security. One is even an assistant director. I never thought I would see the day in America that the president has a burka wearing muslim woman as a top advisor whose responsibility is to tell the president what it is the muslims want. I never thought I would see the day in America that the flag of Communist China would be flown at our Capitol beside Old Glory. I never thought I would see the day in America that the administration would allow the Empire State Building to light up red for Communist China, but not allow it to light up with a color to honor Mother Theresa. I never thought I would see the day in America that the American president would refuse to attend the National Day of Prayer, yet allow muslims to have an entire day of prayer on the Capitol grounds. There are many more "never in America" moments I have had, but I won't go into all of them. I'm not going to list references for what I've just stated. Those of you who have been on the receiving end of my email "rants" over the last 2 years have already seen the sources. Those of you who haven't, if you doubt anything I say is true, check it out for yourself. America, educate yourself.  America is being "fundamentally transformed" right before our eyes, into something quickly become unrecognizable. Hence, the song in this video "That Ain't My America" (by Lynyrd Skynyrd). The video was done for this blog post by my great Texas Conservative nephew, Bobby Faubus (BF25251001 at YouTube). Thanks, Bobby. I love it.

Actually, the song was mentioned in an article I found on the English language version of the Russian newspaper, Pravda; along with a couple of other "protest" songs. I thought it fit the theme of my thoughts since all the radical things have been done to my America by the current regime; so that I am frequently saying to myself  "That Ain't My America". The article I'm referencing now is American Military Officers Against Obama written by Mark S. McGrew. He asked that a link be furnished if the article is republished. I'm not going to republish, merely summarize it; but here is the link if anybody wants to read anything else by McGrew: and his blog is For over 2 years, Americans have been hiding their heads in the sand over the most fundamental issue facing us; whether or not Obama is legally qualified to be president of the United States. There is a growing wave of acknowledgement that he is most likely not eliglble to hold the highest office in America. Prior to the election of 2008, there were maybe up to 2% of Americans that had their doubts; that is now up to more than 65%.  One contingent of that 65% is American military officers.

I've been around military for most of my life; since I was 17 and married a G.I. and went to live at Fort Hood TX for a dozen years, then moved to California and lived next to Camp Pendleton for the next 27 years. One thing I didn't know before reading McGrew's article in Pravda, is that there are 2 separate and distinct oaths that our military men and women take upon enlistment; one for the lower ranks or "enlisted"; one for officers.
The oath of enlistment for the lower ranks:
"I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
The oath of enlistment for Officers:
"I, ________, having been appointed an officer in the (appropriate branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of (rank-Major, Colonel, etc) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God."
Note the difference: officers do not swear to obey the orders of the President of the United States. I have to wonder if that is meant to give the officers freedom of allegiance to the President, in the event that the President is the domestic enemy they have to protect the United States from. I have done innumerable hours of research, and try to keep my finger on the pulse of America. I can tell you that since Obama was elected, the cost of firearms has increased almost ten-fold. Whereas 19 moths ago, one could purchase a handgun for personal protection in the range of $40 to $60; now those same pistols would sell for $400 or more. America is arming itself. And since the current regime hasn't been successful in curtailing the ownership of firearms, they have gone after the ammunitions makers. Whereas scrap ammo from our various military branches used to be sold to munitions manufacturers to recycle into bullets for personal weapons, the current regime is now selling it to China at a much lower price. In the state of California, you can't buy bullets for your guns without registering and having your identification put on record. There is a large, and growing orgainization of current and former military members and law enforcement personnel called Oath Keepers. One of the oaths they take is that they will never bear arms against their fellow Americans at the behest of Obama. There is a number of retired military officers, and active duty officers willing to resign their commissions, at the ready to lead the next revolution in the event that martial law is declared and the current regime tries to impose socialism on America by force.

In American Military Officers Against Obama there is a list of 26 retired and active duty officers who have either filed legal actions against Obama regarding his eligibility to be president, or they have publicly supported or testified for those who do have the legal actions pending. The one most recently in the news is Lt Col Terrence Lakin, an Army physician who is at this moment undergoing a court martial rather than obey orders under Obama to deploy to Afghanistan. Lakin has been denied "discovery"'; has been told by a military judge that he can't see or present evidence about Obama because "It may embarrass the President". In another action, Commander Charles Kerchner has filed a lawsuit against Congress for violating the Constitution in certifying the Electoral College votes in Obama's favor.  Of the couple of hundred lawsuits questioning Obama's eligibility, none have been allowed to proceed to the actual presentation of evidence. All the complainants are told they don't have "standing". Since when does any American not have "standing" to know that the person presiding over the country is actually a citizen of the country? We, each and every one of us, all have that "standing". But the courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court, are treating the matter like a hot potato. There are some cases that have made it as far as the Supreme Court and have stalled. When Justice Clarence Thomas was asked about the issue of Obama's eligibility, he is on record as saying "We're evading that one".  EVADING? The Supreme Court should be leading the charge! Recently Obama made the very conniving move of nominating Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. As Solicitor General, she defended Obama in some of the eligibility suits; now she on the Court that may end up deciding the issue. Sure, she will recuse herself, but what's to keep her from influencing the other Justices by giving them "background" on the issue?

We see military coups and revolutions overthrowing governments all across the globe. I never thought I would see the day in America that that would be what we might be facing. I'm somewhat apprehensive coming up to the elections on November 2; Obama is a power monger. He's wants even more power and may not be willing to give up that which he has already grabbed. Like McGrew points out, Obama and his supporters have absolutely no concept of what 100 million (or more) angry Americans are capable of inflicting on them. While he is not advocating physically overthrowing the current regime, since we do have a system in place for "peaceful revolution" (voting), he does point out that it is one option and may be the final option. America is wounded and suffering, what he calls the Obama Flu Virus; when America sneezes, the world catches a cold. I've been concerned for a while about a new revolution, of more of an uprising than just organized peaceful protests; given the evidence that America has, and still is, arming itself and that there is a somewhat structured group of military leaders in place. I hope it doesn't come to that. I really do. Because that ain't my America. But if it has to, it's comforting to know that it won't be a ragtag bunch of patriots like George Washington won the first revolution with. Patriots, just the same, but they won't be unstructured, undisciplined, untrained and unprepared this time. They will be the best of America's finest.

While I'm always hopeful and optimistic that the coming election will put in place the people who will be able to stop and reverse the cancer of Obama's socialism that is spreading thru every aspect of American life, it's still comforting to know that our American military men and women are not just blindly following his lead. They are using good judgement and discernment. They are putting their training in observation and analyzing situations to good use. One thing we will never see in America is our military turning against us and obeying the orders of a puppet goverment (I believe Soros is Obama's puppet-master). And we can be sure that if Obama were to use his "civilian police force" (SEIU purple people beaters and black panthers?), they wouldn't get very far in the face of the greatest military force in the history of the world. So rest assured, America, that if the line is ever drawn in the sand, our marvelous military men and women will still be on the side of America. Against a domestic enemy that is becoming more and more apparent and obvious. Just be aware that the period following the upcoming election might be a crucial time. It might be the time when the current regime makes a move to protect it's power base and grab even more power. Have eyes to see and ears to hear. America, be vigilant, be prepared, be safe.

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