Monday, October 18, 2010

The Audacity of Illegality

I get frequent newsletter updates on the illegal immigration fight from NumbersUSA, a pro-legal anti-illegal immigration organization. In their latest newsletter, they report that in addition to trying to get a shamnesty bill passed thru Congress, the open-border advocates are now turning their attention to local communities and state law enforcement agencies to try to get them to look the other way when they encounter somebody that's in America illegally.

The latest state to have a lawsuit filed against it by illegal immigrant proponents is Georgia. What exactly did the state of Georgia do, you might ask?  The Georgia Board of Regents passed a measure requiring state colleges and universities to deny admission to illegal aliens, as long as the particular campus has denied admission within the last 2 years to U.S. citizens or legal residents. It's pretty much a cinch, since not every one that applies to a college gets accepted. I mean, how dare the American citizens in the state of Georgia want to insure they are providing college educations for American citizens and legal residents first? Also, the Georgia State House of Representatives has asked for the entire state to be included in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Secure Communities program. In 2006, Cobb County became the 1st county in Georgia involved in the 287(g) program and since then 3 more counties and the Georgia Department of Public Safety have signed 287(g) agreements. This program automatically checks fingerprints taken during jail bookings with the federal database. When the fingerprints match known illegal immigrants, ICE is automatically notified and can take deportation action. Since 2006, this method has identified more than 180,000 illegal immigrants for deportation across America; and 14,692 illegal immigrants in Georgia have been deported. And how dare the state of Georgia want to have the entire state participate in a federal program, that's already a law, which has shown to be successful in identifying and deporting people who are in this country illegally? Really, how dare they?

So now, attorneys are representing 3 illegal immigrants in suing Georgia; trying to stop it from utilizing a federal immigration enforcement tool. Sound familiar, Arizona? These attorneys, and those in the Arizona case, should be disbarred and they should have their American citizenship stripped. If they want to live in a Mexican country so badly, let them go to Mexico and see how they would fare there. The Georgia "three" are trying to make it a class action lawsuit by defining as co-complainants "all hispanic persons who have been or will be restrained and interrogated withing the State of Georgia" by local authorities enforcing federal immigration law under an agreement with ICE. One of the attorney's laments that the law tears families apart. Like I've said before, I don't want families torn apart; they can take their families with them when they go back to Mexico or wherever. The attorney also said that while these people are in the U.S. illegally, they aren't criminals. What part of illegal can't the attorneys understand? Most children in elementary school can tell them "illegal" means against the law, therefore, a crime. Let's look at the stellar background of the 3 main complainants: one is a Mexican citizen who didn't leave when her visa expired and was arrested after causing a car wreck while driving without a license (last I heard that was a crime); one is in the country illegally and in jail for shoplifting (last I heard that was a crime, too); and one alledgedly had a work permit but was arrested for forgery when he used fake immigration documents to get a driver's license (also, last I heard that was a crime, too). But, according to their attorneys, they are not criminals. Is there any other country on the face of the planet that would allow people who are there illegally to have access to it's court system to sue it? What a bunch of chumps we are for allowing this to happen. There's an election coming up. You can tell who the pro-amnesty candidates are - they are the candidates not talking about it. Vote them out.

Meanwhile, on the Arizona front, things are getting worse and Obama is out campaigning instead of protecting the American citizens he's sworn to protect. Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona was on the Greta Van Susteren show on Fox News last week and stated that there are now 21 countries on the lawsuit against Arizona; the U.S., Mexico, and 19 other foreign countries. She didn't list them. It was also confirmed in a short article in the Phoenix Examiner, but again the additional countries weren't mentioned. I listed 10 of the foreign countries when I wrote about this before. I haven't been able to find a listing of the new ones. I guess somebody doesn't like what I'm writing, because for several days now when I try to search for information, my searches get "redirected" to websites that have no resemblence to what I type in. I've done scans, and don't have a virus, so it must be a hacker. I hope they get tired soon, because I'm not giving up. Two days ago, Fox News ran an article warning that Mexican assassins were headed into Arizona to locate and kill bandits who were stealing their drug loads. The rival drug cartels got together in Mexico and decided to send a group of hired assassins called the Sicario's into Arizona to protect their smuggling routes and kill anybody attempting to steal the drugs. There are 15 members to this band of killers, and the area they are headed to is the Vekol Valley, on Interstate 8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, and north toward Phoenix. What did our illustrous Department of Homeland Security under Obama's stooge Janet Nappy do? They put up more warning signs. Just like they did a few months ago when Mexican gangs had taken over part of a desert wildlife preserve on the border that is a "highway" for smugglers of drugs, guns, and humans, warning people to stay out of the area. This is just outrageous. Why should America cede any part of it's land to some lawless Mexicans? I guess that last word answers that question. They, thugs that they are, are Mexicans; and our current regime wants an open border for migration - not immigration - no matter who crosses it and no matter how many Americans are killed in the meanwhile. I commented to somebody yesterday that it was his way or no way, any way he has to do it. What chumps we are for putting up with this disrespect to America!

Let me repeat some statistics from Los Angeles County, CA from the Liberty Pundits blog, citing an Antigang Task Force review of 124 arrests: of the 124, 106 were illegals, 85 had a current or prior gang affiliation, 103 of the 124 already had a criminal record and of those 85 had at least 1 prior felony conviction and 49 had multiple felony convictions. In the social services / entitlements realm, 2/3 of all babies born in Los Angeles County are born to illegal immigrants, paid for by our tax dollars thru Medicaid; 29% of illegal immigrants living there are on welfare, and almost 60% of people living in HUD subsidized housing are illegal immigrants. Why do I mention all this again when I've written about it before? Simple: Los Angeles County, CA Board of Supervisors voted to extend countywide it's 287(g) agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Amid protests from illegal immigrants and their advocates, I might add. Look for Los Angeles County to be soon hit with a lawsuit from illegal immigrants and their shyster lawyers. I still say those lawyers should be disbarred and stripped of their American citizenship. Nobody that is not an American should have access to our courts.

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