Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crony Terrorism

We all know what "crony capitalism" is; a kind of  "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" way of doing business. Awarding loans, contracts and jobs to family and friends who do you favors, or give you discounts or kickbacks. We all know Obama practices "crony politics"; awarding his supporters and "friends of Barack" with positions within his administration whether or not they are qualified or ethical, giving federal funded "kickbacks" to those who were major contributors to his campaign. The most recent and the largest I can think of is the $2 billion he gave George Soros's Brazilian oil producing company Petrobras to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Soros being probably the largest contributor to Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign. Now I see a form of "crony terrorism" evolving. I consider anybody who funds terrorism, either directly into the coffers of a terror organization or thru funds to a secondary organization who then transfers those funds to a terror organization, to be a terrorist. I consider anybody who aides and abets terrorism thru any action or by any means such as association with, writing in support of, or giving moral support, to be a terrorist. Therefore, "crony terrorism".

Recently I wrote about the F.B.I. raids on the homes of Hatem Abudayyeh, the executive director of the Arab American Action Network (By The Company We Keep), suspected of filtering funds to FARC (the military wing of the Colombia Communist Party) and Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization. Obama, as director of the Woods Fund, gave AAAN a total of $75,000 in 2002/2003. AAAN has also received almost $500,000 in federal grants thru the years.  By chance, I discovered that the targets of the F.B.I. raids that day were more widespread than just Abudayyeh or AAAN. Somebody emailed me photos of people protesting in Chicago during a recent visit by Obama. I wanted to verify that those picture were actually connected to Obama's trip and not from some earlier protest march and re-labeled. There was a website name imprinted on the pictures, Foundingbloggers, so I went to it to look for the pictures. My attention was immediately caught by some current posts regarding the F.B.I. raids in Chicago looking for links to terrorist organizations. I'll have to go back later to look for the Chicago - Obama protest pictures; I still want to verify them before I forward them. However, here's the gist of the full scope of the F.B.I. terrorism raids, plus some information I found at a couple of other websites, New Zeal (short for Zealand) Blog and World Net Daily.. The old media (mainstream media) pretty much ignored this, but the new media (bloggers) is all over it. In fact, most of the mainstream media coverage is on the 2 days of protests following the raids, along with socialist, marxist, and terrorist websites such as CAIR and Intifada-Palestine.

Among the approximately half dozen or so people, (who are all associated with one or more of the Colombia Action Network, Students for a Democratic Society communist group or Freedom Road Socialist Organization),  targeted by the F.B.I. raids on 9/27/10 in Chicago, was a man by the name of Thomas Burke. The search warrant subpoena showed that the F.B.I. was looking for records of any payments from Burke to Hatem Abudayyeh of the AAAN, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO),  the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) or Hezbollah, a muslim terrorist group based in Lebanon.. Burke is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, whose website was originally registered in his name. He is a member of the Colombia Action Network, is a Colombia solidarity activist, and has traveled in Colombia. He is also a member of the executive board of SEIU local 73 in Chicago. After the raid, Burke claimed that the government was trying to intimidate the movement against U.S. occupations and those who oppose support for repressive regimes, and to pave the way for more U.S. military intervention in the Middle East and Latin America. Somehow, I can't see Obama approving an F.B.I. action against people merely wanting to halt our "occupation" of the Middle East and Latin America. Those are Obama's goals also. So, therefore, I believe there probably is covert financial aid to the above mentioned terrorist organizations. What's interesting is the SEIU component.

Also raided by the F.B.I. in Chicago was the home of husband and wife, Joseph Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner. They, too, are suspected of providing financial aid to Hatem Abudayyeh, AAAN, FARC, and Hezbollah. It's not clear if they are members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, but since that group was the focus of the F.B.I. investigation, and every other person who had their home raided that day is a member, it's a good hunch that they are. Iosbaker and Weiner are both members of SEIU, and Iosbaker is Chief Steward and a member of the executive board of SEIU local 73 in Chicago. The day after the F.B.I. raids, APNews reported that former SEIU president and friend of Barack, Andy Stern was under F.B.I. investigation for paying a "consultant" $75,000 a year out of union funds for doing nothing, in violation of federal labor laws; and when he wrote a book in 2006, union funds paid for all the fact-checking for it and promoting it and required union members to buy it, but Stern pocketed all the proceeds. Also being investigated is the $44 million that Stern and SEIU put into the 2008 election. Stern is the most frequent visitor to the White House since Obama was inaugurated, and is now on Obama's financial reform commission. After George Soros, the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) was the largest contributor to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign chest. Wouldn't it be something if SEIU funds went not only to helping buy the presidency for Obama, but also went to supporting terrorism?

There's another thing, other than SEIU, that Obama has in common with terror-funding suspects Joseph Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner. Back in the 90's, Iosbaker and Weiner were leaders in the socialist New Party in Chicago; Iosbaker was a Precinct Captain and Weiner was a Precinct Worker. The New Party was founded by leaders of the Democratic Socialists of America and members of Committees of Correspondence, an arm of the Communist Party USA. The aim of the New Party was to move the Democratic Party toward a socialist agenda,. Among their goals were a universal "social wage" to include health care and "the democratization (nationalization?) of the banking and financial system", and community controlled financial institutions (whatever that means). The New Party was heavily involved with SEIU; SEIU organizors (and ACORN activists) were given a monthly recruitment quota to bring in new members for the New Party. When he ran for the Illinois State Senate in 1996, Obama asked for and got the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America and attended several of their events and meetings. At the time, but later outlawed by the Supreme Court, was a concept know as "electoral fusion", whereby a candidate could run under more than one party banner. So while he ran for the Illinois State Senate as a Democrat, Obama also joined the New Party and ran as their candidate. The New Party, in conjunction with SEIU and ACORN, worked to get Obama elected as State Senator. The spring 1996 edition of the New Party newsletter lauded it's member Barack Obama for winning the State Senate primary race. And the summer 1996 edition of New Ground, the newsletter of the Democratic Socialists of America reported that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting where he thanked the group for it's support and encouraged other New Party members to join his task forces on voter education and registration. 

After the recent F.B.I. raid, Ms. Weiner/Iosbaker said the investigation is an attempt to intimidate her and her husband from doing their labor cause and anti-war activism. Somehow, I can't see Obama approving the "harrassment" of labor and anti-war activists. After all, those are his causes, also. The New Party is now defunct, but Obama ran his first campaign for political office as a member of that socialist organization, which used SEIU to help get him elected as Illinois State Senator.; and was endorsed by another socialist organization. SEIU was later instrumental in pushing Obama into the White House. Now, two officials of both the New Party and SEIU are under investigation, and suspected of transferring funds to terrorist organizations. I don't know how long or how deeply the F.B.I. has been investigating these possible terror funding activities, or how "transparent" is the money trail, but what comes to mind is "where there's smoke, there's fire". It's looking highly possible, if not probable, that members of the group SEIU that greatly funded Obama's presidential run and got him elected, have also been covertly providing material support for terrorist organizations.. Crony politics may be in bed with crony terrorism. America, wake up and smell the SEIU burning.

New Party Spring 1996 Newsletter

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