Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"It's The Economy, Stupid!"

"When their economic policies fail, when the country's coming apart rather than coming together, what do they do? They find the most economically insecure white men and scare the living daylights out of them."  Bill Clinton in a 1991 interview with Joe Klein of the Sunday Times, speaking of Republicans.

"Part of the reason . . . . facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard wired not to always think clearly when we're scared."  Barack Hussein Obama speaking at a North Carolina fundraiser 10-18-10

"It's the economy, stupid!"  James Carville, while campaigning for Bill Clinton in 1992


Yesterday was a momentous day. Did anybody feel the ground shake? It should have been quaking to beat the band. Yesterday, America's national debt went over $13 trillion. In fact, it hit an all time record high of $13.665 trillion. Please, don't anybody tell Obama what comes after a trillion, he may aim for that next. Obama like to "blame Bush" and claims he "inherited" all this national debt. Not so. During President Bush's 2 terms, 8 years, he increased the national debt by $4.9 trillion. In just 19 months in office, Obama has increased the national debt by $2.526 trillion, and is projected to double that to $5.9 trillion by the end of his term. In his 4 years in office, he will have more than doubled the amount of national debt President Bush accrued in his entire 8 years in office. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the national debt projections for Obama's agenda will reach nearly $16.5 trillion by 2012.  CNS News reported on 9/8/10 that in the previous 3 months, May thru August of this year, Obama accumulated $464 billion in deficits, more than President Bush had for the entire fiscal year 2008 of $458 billion. We've accrued about a $2 trillion increase in deficit in the past 19 months, and there's no end in sight. We can't keep spending so much more than we have.

Here's a comparison of spending habits between the 2 parties, from Hotair yesterday:
Republican majority 12 years prior to Bush added $4.034 trillion or $336.17 billion a year
Republican majority 1st part Bush's 2 terms added $3.201 trillion or $533.56 billion a year
Democrat majority spanning Bush & Obama added $4.603 trillion or $1.48 trillion a year

I discovered something very interesting from Bloomberg Businessweek 2/1/10; Obama's budgets for fiscal year 2010 and fiscal year 2011 exclude the $6.3 trillion in liabilities for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, although they have been taken over by the administration and their debts are the governments debts. So his national debt is realistically larger than what we're being told. Also, along those same lines; the director of the Congressional Budget Office, Peter Orzag, would not let President Bush exclude those debts from his budget when the government rescued Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008. At that time, Orzag said that the federal control over them is so strong "we are incorporating them into the federal budget". So, therefore, President Bush's final fiscal year budget realistically would have shown a lower national debt had he been allowed by the CBO to exclude the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debts, the way it has the Obama regime. Kind of duplicitous, but that's what we've come to expect from our government, especially under the Democrats.

When I was looking for Obama's quote from a couple of days ago, about how American's don't let facts get in their way when they are scared, I saw article after article from the last 2 years where he has described Americans over and over as being scared. It actually started before the election. While it's true that sometiimes when people are suddenly scared, some might panic. However, America has had to deal with Obama long enough that any initial panic has worn off and while we might be scared, we are thinking in a scientific, factual manner. And one thing I think is a fact is that we are sick and tired of his arrogance and condescension toward us, as if we can't quite think as reasonably as he does. Give me a break. Most Americans are quite able to think things thru, weigh the facts, use sound reasoning and come to a scientifically logical conclusion. That's what Obama's scared of. If anybody's running scared, it's gotta be him. And if there is anybody still left out there who doesn't think Obama is deliberately taking America down the road to national bankruptcy, here's a fact for them: in the 1st 19 months of his term, between 1/20/09 and 8/20/10, Obama increased America's national debt by MORE THAN the cumulative total of all the presidents from George Washington thru Ronald Reagan. At the end of fiscal year 1989, President Reagan's last year in office (but 8 months after he left the White House) the entire national debt from Day One until then was $2.1907 trillion. Compare that to the $2.526 trillion Obama has piled on top of us since his inauguration.

Tell me we were worse off before Obama took power. Tell me that Obama has turned things around and made things all better. YOU CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE!  He just admitted lying to the entire country for 2 years, starting in December 2008, that there were "shovel ready" jobs: and he used that lie to ram down our throats a trillion dollar "stimulus" bill. Now he's admitted, without qualms, there's no such thing as "shovel ready" jobs. It was a ruse. The "stimulus" bill did nothing to help, because it wasn't designed to help. It did what it was designed to do; pay back and pay off his cronies and supporters while throwing America into deeper debt and deficit, so Obama could increase taxes to pay for it (tax the rich) and put more people into government entitlements.
"Spread the wealth around" and "level the playing field".  America, wake up!

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