Wednesday, October 6, 2010

International Injustice

I'm sitting here trying to think of a start to this post. I compose as I type (which is why some of my posts might not seem completely cohesive). Through the past 19 months I have gone from stunned disbelief at what the current regime was attempting and getting away with, to anxiety when the destructive (toward my beloved America) actions continued, to feeling like I was up to my neck in scalding water and couldn't get out, finally to resignation that as I"m nearing retirement age I'm having to basically start all over, and now to sometimes feeling like I'm mired in apathy. Is it never going to end? Can we survive 2 more years? Can we win enough seats in Congress next month to stem some of the damage that this regime is hell bent on wreaking on America and it's citizens?

The word that has come to mind so much the last year and a half is "Why?". The subject today, students, is The United States of America versus The State of Arizona. Why on earth is the federal government suing one of  it's states? I mean, we've heard before of individuals and groups suing the government. But for our county's leaders to turn against one of it's states is just beyond comprehension. Yet, not only are they doing it; they are allowing other countries to join in. Kind of like, pile on Arizona. I knew, and I've mentioned before, that Mexico was a co-complainant. Now today I read on Politico that there are actually 10 other countries besides Mexico that the federal government has allowed to join with it in suing the State of Arizona. Total of 11; count 'em - Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, and Chile'.  Illegals from all those countries have to pass thru Mexico to get to the U.S., and now Mexico is building a wall along it's southern border; yet the U.S. is castigated for wanting to enforce it's border with Mexico.

The Obama administration has allowed 11 foreign countries to join it in suing the State of Arizona. WILL IT NEVER END?. My God, what is he doing to our country? This is like an international gang-rape. With what is supposed to pass as our government standing by and watching. How many other countries do they have standing in the wings that they are going to invite to pile on? Do you think any other country in the world would allow, much less encourage like this, the U.S. to come into it's courts and sue one of its provinces or whatever they call their areas? Hell no, they wouldn't. This should not be happening, and it wouldn't with any other leader in our top office. Or any other Attorney General heading up out Dept of Justice.

I'm with Jan Brewer, Arizona's brave governor. She said "As do many citizens, I find it incredibly offensive that these foreign governments are using our court system to meddle in a domestic legal dispute and to oppose the rule of law. What's even more offensive is that this effort has been supported by the U.S. Department of Justice. American Sovereignty begins in the U.S. Constitution and at the border".  Yes, it is incredibly offensive. And, yes, AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY BEGINS IN OUR CONSTITUTION AND AT OUR BORDER. It is not given to us by the U.N. and their kangaroo international court. No matter what Obama and Holder want or think. (By the way, I said the international court was in Brussels Belgium because I read that somewhere, this article says The Hague Netherlands and that's correct) Governor Brewer has petitioned the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to disallow these foreign governments from taking part in our legal procedings; the hearing is on November 1. So far 11 states (including Texas) and more than 80 members of Congress have filed Amicus Briefs (friend of the court) supporting Governor Brewer and the State of Arizona. If I could file one I would. But foreign countries have no business in our legal system!

There is concern among conservative legal scholars about giving foreign legal systems a voice in American jurisprudence; it looks like Obama and Holder are headed that way. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy has been the leading proponent of using foreign laws and international laws to interpret the U.S. Constitution. Both of Obama's Supreme Court appointees, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, have said during Senate Confirmation hearings that the U.S. courts should look to and follow international laws when making judicial decisions. There is no doubt in my mind; that is the direction Obama and Holder are trying to push us in. It can only be that; with allowing foreign countries to join our Dept. of Justice in this suit against the State of Arizona, They are trying to make a "mini" international court within the borders of America. What a disgrace and a travesty of our justice system, that it has gotten this far.

It's kind of like; if Hussein can't go to the mountain, he'll bring the mountain to him. We know he intends to eventually, and knowing him sooner than later, start having Americans tried in the International Court. Why else would he amend Executive Order 12425, giving Interpol authority to arrest any American citizen for anything it deems a "crime" and transport them out of the country for appearance before the U.N. International Court? Another "by the way"; I found out EO 12425 originated with Reagan in 1983, but had stringent restrictions in place governing the actions of Interpol within the U.S. Obama amended it to remove all restrictions, and to seal all Interpol records. Just like he did with all his own records. Which means that no person in the U.S. is allowed to see any records of Interpols actions within the U.S. Just like with his own records. And if any American ends up in front of the International Court, we need to all scream our heads off. America is NOT signed up to join the International Court. Clinton tried; he signed the Treaty in January 2001, just before leaving office. BUT, Congress never ratified it. After George was sworn in, he pulled the U. S. out of the International Court Treaty. Not that Obama and Holder will ever let anything like Constitutional legalities stop them.

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