Sunday, October 3, 2010

Is There Any Difference, Now?

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."  Norman Thomas, 1944  
"I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform." Norman Thomas, 1948
Norman Thomas was a member of the American Socialist Party who ran for president of the United States six (6) times between 1928 and 1948. He stopped running when he recognized that the Democratic Party policies and agendas were identical to those of the Socialist Party. Why doesn't America see it? Socialist Party or Democratic Party. Is there any difference, now?

There was a rally held yesterday in Washington, DC; organized by a group calling themselves "One Nation Working Together". While I was looking around for pictures to accompany this post, I decided not to include any, but here's a link to Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs where you can see arial photos of the "Restoring Honor" rally on 8/28 and yesterday's rally. It appears that only about 1/10 the number of people showed up yesterday, as compared to the earlier rally; even though SEIU bussed people in and Al Sharpton's organization paid people $65 a day to attend. There is also a 45 second video sweep of how those patriotic (not) Americans trashed the United States World War II Memorial yesterday. Also, to note, Jim Holt over at Gateway Pundit has the same pictures; but he also has a post about the take on yesterdays rally by the Iranian news. Iran is calling it a protest against Obama. Interesting.

The article I'm going to address is an Associated Press article picked up by this morning's Washington Times. The article calls the rally a coalition of progressive and civil rights groups. I'll mention who some of those groups are further on. The objective was for "workers" to stand up to the "corporations". Sounds kind of like Nazi Germany, doesn't it?  The "workers' ought to stop and remember that the "corporations" create and provide jobs for the "workers". They wanted to send a message about job creation. I saw an interview on Fox News (yes, I'm a Foxaholic and a proud citizen of Glennbeckistan) with a lady representing LaRaza; she said their goal is for more "investment from the government" in creating jobs? What, wasn't the failed Stimulus Bill and the failed Jobs Bill enough money down the rabbit hole for the Mexicans? America is broke and living on it's credit cards (held by China), with stories like Los Angeles "creating" 55 jobs with the $111 million in federal stimulus money they got; and yet the "workers" want more. Ever heard the old axiom, "you can't get blood out of a turnip"?

The Washington Times article mentioned that Van Jones was at the rally. I'd like to clear up one mis-statement from the article. It said that Van Jones lost his job as "environmental advisor" after Beck made public his disparaging remarks about Republicans. That's like saying the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, that almost burned the entire city down, was a backyard bonfire. Van Jones, who was Obama's "green jobs czar" with a $100 million budget, was asked to resign after several unsavory things about his background came out. In his own words, he was arrested in Los Angeles during the riots that followed the Rodney King beating by police and spent several months in jail. He said he came out of jail transformed into a radical communist. He founded a group called STORM, that calls for the revolutionary overthrow of the American government. He's a progressive who says that the wealth should be taken from the rich and given to the poor. Socialism? He's also on the board of the Apollo Alliance, which is credited with writing the great majority of the Stimulus Bill. What, did y'all really think that the same Congress that has had a year to create a budge for fiscal year 2001 actually wrote a 1,200 page bill and had it ready for Obama to sign 6 weeks after he took office. The Stimulus Bill was already written and ready to go when Obama was elected. But, I digress. Beck did not just "out" Van Jones for calling the Republicans a$$holes. Beck is a Libertarian, one of those who wants the minimum government involvement in our lives as possible; as opposed to the liberals, who want complete control of our lives handed over to the government. Beck's parents were both Democrats, as were his grandparents; he has said repeatedly this is not the same Democratic Party as in his parents time. Compare the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party. Is there any difference, now?

Al Sharpton said yesterday, "I hope people look at the mall because this is what America looks like". Let me tell you some of the organizations involved in yesterdays rally. First, was the SEIU; you know, the "purple people beaters", the purple shirted thugs who put a smack-down on anybody that opposes Obama's policies, even black conservatives like Kenneth Gladney. The SEIU is bought and paid for. Andy Stern got enough of them to vote, not to mention the voter fraud they perpetrated, to sway the 2008 election. In return, SEIU got $800 million thru obamacare to replenish their retirement fund. From accounts I read, they came late to the rally and left early. So, Al, it was a slice of America, was it? I went to the One Nation website and printed off the list of organizations involved, all 26 pages. Some were ethnic organizations; representing blacks, latinos, siks, arabs, etc. There was even a group calling for the end of "Israeli occupation". I, too, think Palestine should stop occupying Israel; but I don't think that's what yesterdays group has in mind. There were religious groups involved; muslims, black liberationists, Christians, etc. Anybody want to try to explain how the United Methodist Church got mixed up in this mess? There were homosexual and transgender advocacy groups there also. But the most vocal and the most visible were the Communist Party and the Socialist Party groups.

Remember how this administration is using catch-phrases to try to camoflage the meaning of every-day terms? Like, the war on terror is now "overseas contingency operation", and illegal immigrants are now "undocumented asylum seekers"? Well, the new term for Socialism is "social justice". Sounds kind of benign doesn't it; like it should be something we all should strive for? Well, don't be fooled. A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf. Some of the groups behind yesterday's rally have pseudonyms that try to make themselves seem mild as lambs, while they strive for "social justice" (socialism) in America. I looked these up and read their descriptions under their own "about us" tabs; but you can look them up yourself if you don't want to take my word for it. Cloaking themselves under socially acceptable names while touting "social justice" (socialism), were: Sojourners (they also want black reparations), Americans for Democratic Action, Democracy for America, Demos, People's Organization for Progress, Working Families Party, and Ya Ya Network. Like I said, the list was 26 pages long; these are the ones that seemed the most obvious. I'm sure there are many more, that had even more deceptive names, that if you were to scratch the surface, you would find "social justice" (socialism) as their core objective. Isn't it telling that a lot of them have some form of the word "Democrat" in their pseudonym"? Socialist Party or Democratic Party. Is there any difference, now?

And lastly the groups that came right out and told the world what they were about; Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Communication for Social Change Consortium, Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Detroit Democratic Socialist of America, International Socialist Organization, New York City Democratic Socialists of America, and Progressive Democrats of America.  So, "Reverend" Sharpton, is this really what you think America looks like?  I find it noteworthy that even these organizations that declare their communist or socialist intent still align themselves with the principles of, and connect their agenda with, the Democratic Party. Which leads right back to my question: Socialist Party or Democratic Party. Is there any difference, now?

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