Monday, October 4, 2010

An Acorn Grows in Houston, and Everywhere

"Unfortunately, it is my duty to share with you today that the integrity of the Voter Roll in Harris County, Texas appears to be under an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMIC attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes. Houston Votes is the voter registration machine of the Texans Together Education Fund. Houston Votes and Texans Together have effectively emerged as our areas' new ACORN organization"
Leo Vasquez, Harris County Voter Registrar, The Cypress Times, 8/24/10

Texas Insider, on 9/27/10 named one man, an SEIU employee, as having turned in 25,000 registrations, of which 23,207 have proven to be fake. He registered 1 woman 6 times in the same day, registered several voters with vacant lots as addresses, registered 40 voters at an 8 bed halfway house, registered non-citizens, and registered the same person 1,597 times with different signatures. And he was just the head of Houston Votes; and an SEIU employee to boot. Another Houston Votes recruiter is a woman who ran an Obama campaign office in Houston; you may have seen pictures of it during the campaign. I remember seeing the picture of her office with an Obama poster, an American flag and a poster of Che Guevara side by side. You might also remember last year, at a townhall meeting of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in Houston, a woman that claimed she was a doctor who supported obamacare. Turned out she wasn't really a doctor. Well, the woman who ran the Obama campaign office in Houston took the fake doctor to that townhall, and sat beside her while she spun her lies. She is also a long time activist for Organizing for America, which prior to the 2008 election was known as Organizing for Obama, his official campaign website. Coincidences? I think not. Here's another "coincidence": just days after the charges of fraud against Houston Votes was handed over to the Texas Secretary of State and the Harris County District Attorney's office, the Harris County Election Technology Center was burned to the ground, destroying 10,000 voting machines and causing $40 million in damages.

The Democrats, the Obama campaign, and their supporters SEIU and ACORN, ran the sleaziest, most fraudulent  presidential race in history, in 2008. They wanted to insure that their "man" won, at any cost; even at the cost of their dignity and integrity.  How disgusting. No, it's beyond disgusting. I can't think of a pejorative low enough to describe them. We all know about the voter fraud perpetrated by ACORN; that was a national story. Well, just think of all the smaller, local voter drives, like Houston Votes; whose Board of Directors and Advisory Board is filled with prominent Democrat offices holders, present and past. When I was looking thru the list of backers for last Saturdays left-wing liberal rally in DC, one group on the list was called DC Votes. I wonder how many tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of local groups across the country, were involved in this rampant voter fraud. Voter Registrar Vasquez called it "organized and systemic". I wonder just how organized it really was. I wonder how deep and widespread are the roots of this new "ACORN". What if all the local Votes "chapters" were all under one umbrella, and all doing the same thing? It's entirely possible that the 2008 presidential election, instead of being based on a fair vote by the majority of the citizens, might turn out to have been a well-orchestrated, fraud-fueled bloodless coup.

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