Friday, October 1, 2010

Sovereign, no more?

The fifty-six (56) men who signed the Declaration of Independence pledged each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. They formed their rag-tag militias into a poorly organized army, and went up against what was the most formidible military might in the world at that time. Their bravery, their spirit, their desire for sovereignty, led them to prevail over the British Empire; and so they established the Republic (not a Democracy, I can't say that often enough) of the United States of America. I look around at the millions of Americans today, who are willing to follow their Chosen One like sheeple, unquestioningly, as our sovereignty is being stripped away and given over to the United Nations. And I have to wonder, what the hell is wrong with you people? Where is your American thirst for independence, your undauntable spirit?

We've heard so many things the past 19 months that have been handed by this administration over to the United Nations. One is the Small Arms Treaty that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, under the direction of this administration, signed the United States up for. That effectively gives the United Nations authority over EVERY small arm (personally owned weapons) in America. The founding fathers must be turning over in their graves. Another move toward giving up our sovereignty was reported in the Washington Examiner, among other publications, 12/30/09: on December 17, 2009 Obama quietly signed Executive Order 12425. That gave the international police organization, Interpol, complete authority to operate within the United States without constraints. Interpol no longer has to liaison, work with, or even notify, any local, state, or federal law enforcement agency. Interpol no longer has the constraints of our search-and-seizure laws, the need for search warrants, or the requirement of the Miranda Act. Interpol now has the right, given them by Obama, to enter any building in America, arrest any American it deems as criminal under international law, and remove any person from the United States for transport to the International Court in Belgium. And because Interpol is now exempt from our Freedom of Information Act, it can do all that without the knowledge, much less the authorization, of anybody in the United States. And they do it from the offices provided to Interpol by our government within the Department of Justice building. Where's the justice in that?

All those brave colonists that gave their lives during the American Revolution did so that no American, from the poorest peasant (I believed they were still called peasants back then, could be wrong) to the President,  would NEVER AGAIN have to bow to a monarch. Yet, the entire world has seen Obama bow to every monarch he has met; except for, of course, our allies. The bow to the King of  Saudi Arabia and the bow to the Emperor of Japan come to mind. But the biggest bow he has made has been to the United Nations. In an article from the London Telegraph on 8/31/10: "Obama has kowtowed to the U.N. There can be few sights more humiliating for the American people than that of a U.S. president kowtowing to a foreign leader or to supranational institutions . . . most Americans fiercely defend their national sovereignty, and find the idea of giving international organisations a say over their laws and lives completely unacceptable". What I find completely unacceptable is that we have an entire strata of Americans who are willingly allowing this administration to give away our sovereignty. American sheeple.

People, we are the UNITED States, because although each state is sovereign in itself thru rights given to the states by the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, we are all Americans. This has been an administrations of "firsts"; things I never thought to see in America. Avowed, self-described communists and socialists holding high offices in the administration, for one thing. Another is the administration, hand-in-hand with a foreign country (yes, Mexico is a co-complainant in the lawsuit against Arizona) filing a lawsuit against one of it's own states for trying to enforce an immigration law that is verbatim of the same law that is already on the federal statues. Now, another "first"; for the first time ever, this administration has filed a report on civil rights violations against one of it's own states, with the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, a South African judge. The London Telegraph sees this move as a hope (there's that word again) to stir up international condemnation of Arizona, and calls it a cynical move that speaks volumes about Obama's willingness to undercut American sovereignty on the world stage. The report went before the UN Human Rights Council in September; a council which includes some of the most brutal regimes in the world, in a forum that includes many of the world's worst tyrants.

The next step, according to a report yesterday on Yahoo news, but probably not report many other places; the issue will go before the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which will have an international conference on migration in Mexico, on November 8 - 11. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, South African judge Navi Pillay, said yesterday that while states can regulate movement across their borders, they must do so in accordance with INTERNATIONAL LAW. That is just outrageous. What we do in American needs to be in accordance with our laws. But then, Obama has sold us out to the UN. An organization that has Ahmahnutjob of Iran sitting on the Women's Rights Council, is now judging how one of our individual states treats illegal immigrants, who by being in the United States without authorization is in itself a crime. I want to point out, that while left-wing liberals in America see no distinction such as "illegal" and see it only as "immigration"; the UN sees it as a matter of  "global migration"; as if there are already no national borders and everybody has the right to "migrate" where ever they wish, without constraint of sovereignty.

Obama has turned the sovereign American state of Arizona over to the United Nations tribunal for judgement. A vision of Pontius Pilate turning Jesus over to be crucified, then washing his hands of the whole matter, comes to mind. Since the UN has an International Court set up in Belgium, what will be the next step after the November "trial" of Arizona, in Mexico? Will Interpol then arrest the Arizona state officials and bring them before the "court" for punishment? Interpol now has the Obama-given right to do just that. America, wake up.


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