Monday, October 11, 2010

The Selling of America, 1 - 2 - 3

The weekend has come and gone. I've sat here most of the day, mired in apathy. Scanning the news items on Free Republic. The news hasn't been very encouraging the past couple of days. Typical stuff you expect to hear from the Obama administration: he said if Republicans were elected in any great number next month, it will be hand to hand combat in DC. He seems to think he's only the president of the Democrats or his special interest cronies. He found a loophole today to send some more aid to the Palestinian Authority, which will probably de-rail the peace talks; isn't that what he wants anyway? His aide Axelrod says they don't need to pass any more legislation, they are just going to concentrate on implementing what they already have. Which means stricter EPA regulations to make up for not getting cap and tax passed. One Democrat candidate, Adler, admitted to planting a fake Tea Party candidate, trying to siphon votes away from his Republican opponent. Obama went on television and re-stated his case for the $50,000,000 ($50 million) he asked Congress for last month for "infrastructure stimulus", when according to wikipedia the original Stimulus Act has $105.3 billion designated for "infrastructure" and most of that hasn't been spent yet. You know, the kind of crap you expect from the administration and the Democrats these days.

A couple of articles did, though, catch my eye; and when combined with something else I read last month in Bloomberg, it made something click. It made me go, hmmmmm. Last month Bloomberg reported that the administration had applied for an I.P.O. (initial public offering) to convert their 61% share in Government Motors into stock, in order to sell it off. The one and only buyer so far seems to be the Chinese government owned auto maker, S.A.I.C. I looked around on line to refresh my memory and see if there was anything new on that front. Nope, Obama is still looking to sell Government Motors to China; expecting to close the deal immediately after the November 2 elections. Today I saw 2 other articles about sales of American enterprises and property to foreign countries. This seems to be a pattern of Obama's that's gaining momentum, and not making very much news. However, being a bleeding-heart red-white-and-blue American patriot, it causes me some concern.

The 1st article I saw today is about the sale of a Wyoming uranium mine to Russia. Of all countries in the world, why Russia? And again, like in the case of China's government-owned S.A.I.C. auto maker; the company looking to buy Uranium One USA located in Powder River Basin, WY is a Russian government subsidiary. We are getting a little too cozy with Russia for my comfort. Obama has scrapped our space shuttle program; now our astronauts have to fly on Russian space shuttles to get to the "international" space station that is mostly an American-built gift to the world. Big Mistake, Obama. My stomach was in knots the other day when our guys took the first trip to the space shuttle under Obama's new plan. I just pray to God they all get home safely from this trip and future ones. Then from Voice of America on 8/20/10 comes the news that Russia is going to supply Iran with nuclear fuel. Followed by the 1st story about the uranium mine sale to Russia in The Trib, which calls itself Wyoming's online news service, on 9/25/10, seeking to assure people that no Wyoming uranium will go to Russia and Iran. Then on 9/28/10 Alaribiya reported that Russia condemned the U.S. sanction against Iran. Given that attitude on Russia's part, how can anybody say they won't be taking the uranium from America and transporting it to Iran; for use in nuclear fuel to attack Israel and us? The deal is put together by Obama and Hillary Clinton. Have they lost their respective minds? This is not a small investment; Russia will have 51%, controlling interest in Uranium One USA. Thank God for the Republicans. Four of them are asking Treasury Secretary Geithner to block the sale. I know there's little chance of that, since Geithner is one of Obama's long time cronies. However, things will change if the Republicans win a House majority next month. Those 4 Republicans are Rep. Ros-Lehtinen of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Bachus of the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. King of the House Homeland Security Committee, and Rep. McKeon of the House Armed Services Committee. Right now they are the ranking minority members of those committees, but with a Republican majority in the House, they will become Chairmen of those committees and will have oversight of the sale. Henry Sokolski, executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center points out that Russia has plenty of it's own uranium, asks why it would want to buy more, and says this could be Russia's opening move to get into the U.S. nuclear power market. This is something we need to keep our eyes on after the election.

The other article that caught my eye today concerns the American production of the other 2 forms of energy; oil and gas. To be precise, natural gas; but to me this news falls in line with some things Obama has done in the oil industry area lately. Y'all know that after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama stopped all oil drilling in America. It's a move to further de-stabilize the American economy and put us into a third world status to, in his words, "level the playing field". He's not against oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico; he's just against America drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. After bring American oil production to a stand-still, Obama then, according to the Cypress Times on 8/8/10, gave George Soros's Brazilian oil company Petrobras $2 billion American tax payers money to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. So much for concern about the environment; Petrobras will be drilling even deeper that America ever did. Some of you might not know who George Soros is; he's one of the top 2 or 3 richest men on earth. He doesn't need our money. He's a long-time crony of Obama and one of his deep-pocket financial supporters. He also is an American-hating socialist who wants global governance and a one world currency. A very evil man, who turned his own friends and family in to Hitler, in exchange for favors and wealth. And then on 10/7/10, the Cypress Times reported that Obama gave Mexico another $1 billion of our money to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. That's in addition to the $500,000,000 ($500 million) that Obama has already given Mexico to build a Government Motors plant down there. Taking auto industry and oil industry jobs away from Americans and giving them to Mexico. What's the matter, Obama? Isn't it enough that we have up to 20 million illegal alien Mexicans up here taking jobs in this country away from Americans? Today's Washington Times (which is also where I got the article about the sale of the Wyoming uranium mine to Russia) reports that the China National Offshore Oil Corp. is going to pay $2.2 billion for interest in a South Texas oil and natural gas shale project, plus billions more over the next few years. It's the Chesapeake Energy / Eagle Ford shale play that covers 600,000 acres right here in Texas. China aims to secure sources of energy for it's growing economy; but Chesapeake Energy says almost certainly the resources will be sold here in the U.S. and proceeds sent to China. Is that any better; either the oil and natural gas will go to China, or the money from it will? And that stands to be a goodly amount since CNOOC plans to eventually have 5,000 or more wells, all told. Something else the Obama administration is doing, or has a hand in, either by instigation or by approval; that we need to keep an eye on. Is it any wonder that a person can get mired down in apathy? Our wealth, our land, our sovereignty, our very country, is being sold out from under us. America, open your eyes!

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