Thursday, October 7, 2010

The $162,000,000 Question

This video shows Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), the 3rd ranking Democrat in the Senate, about a year ago addressing the Senate, and voicing his opinion about the American people. A point of view that seems to be common thru-out the Democrat members of Congress. The snippet is 16 seconds long, but if you can't play the video, here is what Senator Schumer said about you, the American people:
"And let me say this, to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little, tiny, yes "porky" amendments - the American people really don't care". Pork? What pork, Chuck? Pelosi promised "no pork in the stimulus package". And when Obama signed it into law he said "It has no earmarks". (city data)

The Spendulus, pardon me, Stimulus Bill ended up costing us tax payers around $820 billion, rather than the $787 billion it was originally estimated at. But then, when you're gouging other people, in this case US, whats a few billion dollars when you're talking close to a trillion dollars anyway. After all, it's not your money you're spending, so why worry about such a niggling little, tiny amount. Right, Chuck? So you don't think the American people cared when you and the Democrats (I can say that because they passed it without a single Republican vote, since they have a majority and can pass just about anything they want to without a single vote from the "party of no") spent $300,000 for a GPS equipped helicopter to hunt for radioactive rabbit droppings in Washington State, or gave $30,000,000, (yes 30 million dollars) for spring training baseball complexes for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies. What about those of us who aren't sports fans, don't we get a say? And what about the wealthy team owners building their own training complexes? Ever think about that, Chuck? And when you gave Microsoft $11,000,000 ($11 million) to build a bridge between 2 of it's building in Redmond WA, that are separated by a highway, did you think Bill Gates might not have enough money to pay for it himself; or maybe it was the governments fault for having a highway between his 2 building sites? Which came first, the highway or the buildings?

I'm sure those 10 drivers a day on that bridge in Iowa County WI sure appreciated that $430,000 of our money you sent them to have the bridge repaired. And those 20 passengers a day that fly in and out of John Murtha Airport in Johnstown PA really needed that $800,000 "backup" runway. You never know when 2 of the 4 flights a day might try to land at the same time; and gosh, nobody would want them to take turns. I always thought peoples sex lives were their own business, but maybe there was an extremely good reason that the administration had to spen $219,000 to study the sex lives of freshmen (18 year old) women at Syracuse University. Why did you choose Syracuse University as opposed to, say, University of California at Berkeley? That would probably have been more interesting for the dirty old men who really needed to know. And did the Forest Service really need $2,300,000 ($2.3 million) to raise bugs? It looks like all they would need to do is go into the forest and gather some. And I know every American was happy to help those turtles get to the other side of the road in Lake Jackson FL, they really needed that $3,400,000  ($3.4 million) 13-foot tunnel under U.S. 27. And somebody might have surely drowned in that DRY lakebed at Guymon OK if you hadn't put up that $1,150,000 ($1.15 million) guardrail. No, the American people really didn't care about that one.

Here's a few more pork-barrel projects we sure don't care about: $9,380,000 ($9.38 million) to renovate a 100 year old train depot in Lancaster County PA that hasn't been used for 30 years, $2,500,000 ($2.5 million) in stimulus checks sent to the deceased (I'm sure those dead Americans really needed the funds), $6,000,000 ($6 million) for a snow-making machine in Duluth-freezin-MN, $173,834 to weatherize 8 pickup trucks in Madison County IL (how much does antifreeze cost up there, we could send them some from TX, I'd paid the shipping), $20,000 to freeze fish sperm in South Dakota (I'll donate a freezer), $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) for a fence on a bridge in Akron OH to keep people from jumping off it (after they found out about the spending we're not supposed to care about probably), $1,000,000 ($1 million) to study "green" housing for 300 people in Chicago, $356,000 for Indiana University to study whether children notice when somebody has a foreign accent, $148,438 for Washington State University to study the use of marijuana instead of morphine (not California, Chuck?), $462,000 to buy 22 concrete toilets for a National Forest in MO, $3,100,000 ($3.1 million) to turn a barge into a museum to float the Erie Canal in New York, $1,300,000 ($1.3 million) for government art in Maine which includes $30,000 for basketweavers (send them to the local mental hospital, they've got plenty of basketweavers) $20,000 for storytelling and $12,500 for a music festival, and $1,000,000 ($1 million) to replace 100 old bike lockers and build a 250-bike garage in Portland OR.

We've been assured that all the transactions, and how the administration spends every dollar of the money stolen from us tax payers thru the Stimulus Bill, would be "transparently" posted on the Recovery website.
Except that the administration isn't enforcing it's own reporting requirements. There are 352 recipients of stimulus funds that have failed to report in to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) according to the Washington Examiner yesterday. THERE IS $162,000,000 ($162 MILLION) OF OUR MONEY MISSING, AND UNACCOUNTED FOR!  And Chuck Schumer says the American people don't care!
The administration knows who's responsible for the missing money, but they're not saying. However, USA Today newspaper did their own analysis and reports that $103,000,000 ($103 million) went to 100 recipients under the Dept of Agriculture; and that's where part of the missing money went. What the heck are they doing with it that they can't account for it, growing marijuana? The Associated Press characterized the White House stimulus report from a few days ago as saying "remarkably little of the money has gone out fraudulently". I guess when you compare $162,000,000 to almost a trillion dollars, that could be seen as being "remarkably little". I'm one of the "American people", and I sure as heck care. I care that so much of our stolen money, stolen thru Obama's Spendulus Bill, was squandered in such a cavalier manner. And I really, really care that any of it, even such a little, tiny amount as $162,000,000 has gone missing. Show me the money. I'll be watching. And I can see November from my house.

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