Monday, November 1, 2010

Pot = Kettle = Black

Voting is a Right of Citizenship

Hi y'all. I'm baaaack. After a brief hiatus. I had a houseguest for 8 days; a liberal, which goes to show that liberals and conservatives can survive under the same roof.  Since tomorrow is election day, I'm going to write about all the rampant voter fraud being perpetrated by the Democrats; which comes as no surprise to anybody. However, first I want to mention a couple of things in recent news that is voter related, just not necessarily fraud related; but if left unaddressed, could lead to more voter fraud. On the Democratic side, of course. Arizona has had a law on the books for several years requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. Last week, Sandra Day O'Connor took it upon herself to open the door to widespread voter fraud in Arizona. I know, she retired from the Supreme Court. But she is a "roving judge", filling in for judges in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Recently she struck down the Arizona law, which has been in effect since 2004, requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. Now, anybody that wants to, can register to vote in Arizona, regardless of their citizenship or residence status. Also in the news lately, some cities are trying to pass local ordinances allowing anybody to vote in local elections, whether they are citizens or not. That would be Portland ME, New York City, and San Francisco. The feeling is, that anybody that lives there should be able to vote in matters that affect them. Just another crack in the door for illegal immigrants. Or as the Western Journalism article calls them, "undocumented Democrats". VOTING IS A RIGHT OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP. If you're not a citizen, whether you are here legally or not, you haven't earned the right to vote in our elections. Period.

Now on to the voter fraud issue. Everybody knows about the voter fraud that was widespread in the 2008 election. ACORN was rampant in perpetrating it, such as registering all the Dallas Cowboys to vote in Denver CO and registering Mickey Mouse to vote in FL, giving cigarettes and money to people when they registered, etc. And everybody has seen the video of the New Black Panthers Party physically intimidating voters; and knows that they were charged with voter intimidation, which charges were dropped by Eric Holder and the Obama Dept. of Injustice. After the case was won by default because the defendents didn't bother to appear in court. Some of the employees of the Obama/Holder Justice Dept. who have defied Holders orders to ignore the Congressional subpoenas and actually testified before Congress have stated that they are told that the Civil Rights Act didn't apply to white people and that they were not to respond to complaints where the victims were white,or where the accused are black. Ergo, Dept of Injustice. Actually, the intimidation and fraud in the 2008 election started during the primary voting. There was a case here in Texas where people showing up at the polls to vote in the Democratic primary were told "If you're not voting for Obama, you're not voting today".

This year, the voter fraud is even more widespread and transparent. It's like the Democrats are going to win, whatever measures it takes to win; and they don't care how openly they do it, because it's so widespread that it won't all be caught or corrected. The most publicized cases are in Nevada and North Carolina, where the voting machines are popping up with the Democrat candidates names checked off when the voters are pushing the buttons for Republicans. Also, some people showing up at the polls and giving their names to be checked off on the register list are finding that their ballots have already been cast, BEFORE THEY EVEN ARRIVED AT THE VOTING PLACE. The state of Illinois failed to mail out the absentee ballots to it's military service members, yet they hand-carried absentee ballots to the prisons. (Convicted felons can't vote, but misdemeanor convicts and those in jail awaiting trial can. An interesting point from 2008, in the Minnesota Congressional race: Al Franken won his seat by the same number of votes as those of the prison absentee ballots.) In Cincinnati OH, high school students old enough to vote were taken out of class during school hours, given only the Democrat ballot, bussed to early voting places, then taken out for ice cream after they voted for the Democrats. Last month, the entire city council of Troy NY, all Democrats, were required to give DNA samples (cheek swabs) because all it's members are being investigated for absentee ballot fraud. In Pennsylvania, nursing homes are being investigated because the staffs are mailing in ballots for patients in comas or suffering from alzheimers. In Dallas, the ballots at several precincts only had the name of the Democrat candidate, Eddie Bernice Johnson, on them and not the name of her Republican opponent, Pastor Stephen Broden. Eddie, by the way, is being investigated for funneling federal scholarship money to family members and staff family members. In Daytona Beach, FL a Democratic official and his campaign manager were arrested for absentee ballot fraud. I don't remember their names, but I saw the television report where they were led away in handcuffs.

Now closer to home, Houston TX. I wrote previously about the election fraud charges against the organization Houston Votes, which was run by an SEIU employee who turned in 25,000 voter registrations alone, of which over 23,000 were fraudulent. That's not to mention those turned in by other Houston Votes people. A group of volunteer poll watchers witnessed such obvious voter fraud in 2008, that they formed an organization named True the Vote and investigated Houston Votes. They went thru proper channels and turned their findings over to the Harris County Registrar of Voters, who verified the evidence and then turned the case over to the Harris County District Attorneys Office. Within days of the Harris County District Attorneys office filing charges against Houston Votes, a warehouse holding 40,000 voting machines was burned to the ground. Now enter Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Let me digress a moment and take this opportunity to address some misinformation that has been fed to, and swallowed by, the blacks in America. Back in July, Jackson-Lee spoke at an NAACP meeting in Kansas City where she vilified the Tea Party movement as being the KKK without the sheets; those who wore the sheets are now wearing clothes and calling themselves the Tea Party. If Jackson-Lee knew her American history, then she would know that the KKK was started as an arm of the Democrat Party, which itself was started to oppose the Republicans led by Abraham Lincoln in freeing the black slaves. The Democrat Party started the KKK as a means to intimidate freed blacks and the white Republicans who were helping them. One-third of the people killed by the KKK were white people, Republicans who supported the emancipation of blacks.

Now back to Sheila Jackson Lee and voter fraud. She was caught last week on video tape, campaigning at an early voting place, that just also happened to be where her offices are. A poll watcher observed the illegal polling place campaigning and reported it to one of the election clerks. When Jackson-Lee became aware of who had reported her, instead of ceasing and desisting from breaking the federal election laws, she demanded to know the person's name and who they represented. She was asked by the election clerk to leave and wouldn't; she had to be ordered out of the polling place by the election clerk. The article from the Cypress Times didn't give that information about the poll watcher, but from Jackson-Lee's actions, I can surmise that it was somebody from True the Vote, which to my knowledge is not affiliated with the Tea Party. So what did Jackson-Lee do? What all Democrats do, deflect, dissemble, disseminate. (Like Press Secretary Goofy Gibbs did when a reporter asked him about Michelle Obama campaigning at an early voting place when she cast her ballot; he told the press pool that nobody would dare press charges against her because their life would be made miserable) Here's what Sheila Jackson Lee did: she called Eric Holder at Obama's Dept. of Injustice. And what did Holder do? Why, he promptly sent investigators down to Houston to look into the allegations of voter intimidation against the poll watchers of True the Vote who dared to stop Sheila Jackson Lee in her endeavors to break federal election laws by campaigning within 100 feet of a polling place. Hell, she wasn't just within 100 feet, she was INSIDE the lobby of the building. Are the allegations against her going to be investigated? Of course not. For two reasons. First, according to several Justice Dept. employee's testimony before Congress, the Dept. of Justice will not investigate or inforce allegations against blacks for voter fraud; and Sheila Jackson Lee is black. Second, she's a Democrat; and like so many Democrats in the current regime who break the laws (Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Eddie Bernice Johnson, to name a few), nothing will be done to stop Democrats who break the law, much less bring them to justice.  So a Democrat blatantly defying federal election laws won't be investigated, but the poll watcher she reported for stopping her, will. Now, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

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