Friday, November 5, 2010

Get Your Popcorn Ready

The shenanigans of "Dirty" Harry Reid were bound to come to light; there was almost no chance he could have beaten Sharon Angle in the election the other night without some "dirty deeds". According to The Hill, here's how the win was snatched from the jaws of defeat: Reid's campaign committee sent an email on election day to the vice president of Harrah's Casinos asking for help and offering to have Reid call to authorize whatever "backing" was needed to make that help forthcoming. The vice president of Harrah's Casinos then sent a memo to all department heads, who sent the department supervisors into every office to ferret out any employees who had not voted. Busses were quickly provided to then take all Harrah's employees - and there are quite a few throughout Nevada (Las Vegas, Reno, Laughlin, etc) - that had not voted, to the polling places and have them vote for Reid. Needless to say, there are many calls going out for the Nevada Secretary of State to investigate this blatant voter tampering before Reid is sworn in, so that the election win can be transferred to Sharon Angle in the event that those Harrah's employees votes are thrown out. Word also has it that Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Dept. of Injustice will be investigating this matter right after it deals with the voter intimidation by New Black Panther Party members in Philadelphia in the 2008 election.

Get Your Popcorn Ready
Stock up on popcorn; the newest investigation show is bound to be entertaining and enlightening. We now have 2 new committee chairmen in the House who are raring to go with investigating the shady goings-on in the Obama regime. Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is now the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) is now the Chairman of the House Judicial Committee. Fox Philadelphia mentions that both men have been critical of the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Dept. And both men now will have the power to compel people to testify before Congress. The Washington Post speculated that Attorney General Eric Holder may get the first subpoena of the new year in the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case from 2008. By the way, it happened against last Tuesday, same place in Philadelphia; the same Black Panther that was wielding a billy club in front of the polling place there in 2008 was pacing in front of the doors again this year, minus the billy club, but wearing a big Black Panthers button on his jacket. Emboldened, I'm sure, by the tacit approval given by the Obama regime.

Congressman Issa, who the New York Times has dubbed "the annoyer-in-chief" has been outspoken against the unethical doings of the Obama regime for the last couple of years and has been digging into possible illegal actions that may be grounds for impeachment. He vows to investigate the bailouts, the stimulus, and the health care bill. He said his first point of business will be to grant subpoena power to all 74 of the governments inspectors general. You know, those people that the Obama regime have just conveniently fired when they have brought forth evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the administration. Then Issa is going to form investigation teams and start issuing subpoenas..

Congressman Smith has been a thorn in the side of the Obama regime, insisting that the New Black Panthers Party be investigated and prosecuted for voter intimidation in 2008, He is strong on immigration enforcement and border security, saying that the Obama regime has been lax in the areas of border security and terrorism. He is also in favor of reforming the 14th Amendment to close the "technicality" that grants birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliems. Smith is also a proponent of using subpoena power to get to the truth and to get to the facts. Instead of the administration continuing to be able to dodge any kind of supervision and oversight, Smith says their refusal to testify is no long acceptable.

Among the things Congressman Issa and Congressman Smith are planning to investigate are the Sestak affair where former president Clinton proferred a position in the Obama administration to Sestak if he would drop out of the primary and allow Spector to remain; the "Cornhusker Kickback", and the "Louisiana Purchase". Now they have another incident of meddling by Bill Clinton, to look into: asking the Democratic candidate in Florida to drop out of the race so Charlie Christ would have a chance to beat Marco Rubio. I've often said that this is the most openly corrupt administration in American history, they don't care who sees them doing their dirty deeds; it's the only thing "transparent" about the current regime. But I'm sure what they've allowed us to see is just the tip of the iceberg; remember it was a huge iceberg under the surface that sunk the Titanic.

I can't wait to see what more corruption Congressman Issa and Congressman Smith are able to uncover. It's going to be enlightening, and so very entertaining, and oh so edifying. The liberal pundits are starting to squawk about the Republicans possibly trying to impeach Obama. There was even a petition posted on facebook a couple of weeks ago asking the Republicans not to impeach Obama. Now why would the liberals and the Democrats even worry about that, it they weren't already aware that there are grounds for impeachment, whether they want to give voice to them or not. In espionage circles, when things are being talked about in the background, it's called "chatter". Well, there has been "chatter" on the internet for several weeks that there is a big scandal involving Obama that is going to come out after the election. I saw word (just from a commenter on another article, just speculation at this point) just today, that the New York Times is sitting on information about a "Watergate-esque" event that they are about to blow open. Stock up on popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show.

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