Monday, November 8, 2010

Trust Him To Keep Kids Safe?

Sometimes I let ideas for posts swim around in the swamp that is my mind for a while before I write about them. If they swim away, then I let them go. This subject has been pressing on my mind since day before yesterday, Saturday. Yesterday, as I was going in to town to have lunch with my sister Lou at the nursing home, I was listening to Life and Liberty on the radio. They have a great website too. I heard a quote which was attributed to President John Adams, our 1st American Vice President under President George Washington, our 2nd American President, and father of President John Quincy Adams our 6th American President. When I went to look up the quote, to get the text of it correct, I found a couple of other quotes by President John Adams that are relevant to our current times. Here is the quote that caught my attention on Life and Liberty Radio:

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by moralty and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. OUR CONSTITUTION WAS MADE ONLY FOR A RELIGIOUS AND MORAL PEOPLE. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other".
Letter to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts 10-11-1798
(emphasis mine)

Here are the other two quotes by President John Adams, that struck a chord with me:

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the Republic (yes, Republic; not a Democracy - I can't say that often enough) into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution". Letter to Jonathan Jackson 10-2-1789 (my observation: the evil that is the Socialist Party has co-opted the Democrat Party in its agenda to end the Republic)

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge - I mean the character and conduct of their rulers".  A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765 (my observation - while we, unfortunately, know very little about the character and conduct of the person now holding the highest office in America, we know all too much about the character and conduct of the people he has appointed to high government offices - his "czars" - and too few people care that they are morally bankrupt.)

Which brings me to the person who has, for some reason, been heavily on my mind the past few days. Kevin Jennings, the so-called "Safe Schools Czar". The following information may be familiar to some of you. It's from a Fox News article of 9-23-09 that I forwarded along with a letter to my Senators, Cornyn and Hutchison, and then forwarded to my email contacts; and also Senator Cornyn's reply to me on 10-13-09, to which I added further information about Kevin Jennings before forwarding that also. A lot of you already know that I am adamantly against the indoctrination of America's children within the public school system, by left-wing liberals; taking over so much of that which should only be the rights and responsibilities of parents. One area that strongly concerns me is the sexualization of young children, much like pedophiles do to "soften up" their victims. Y'all know I'm not a prude, and what adults choose to do is up to them, their choice; but don't impose adult attitudes on somebody else's children. The area of sexual attitudes and any moral guidelines attached to that issue, belongs solely under the guidance of parents. Not in the hands of  "officials" who would teach that sex has no value except as a bodily function, and certainly no moral or societal restrictions.

I've brought to attention recently the struggle that parents in Helena MT are fighting with the local school board over it's proposed sex education agenda; wanting to use pictures to show kindergarteners sexual genitalia as a means to teach them the proper words for them, planning to teach 6th graders different sexual acts and positions. There is an update; the school district has conceded that it will drop the graphics it had planned to show to 5 and 6 year olds, but still planning to teach them the "proper words" for genitalia, but still planning to go ahead with teaching sexual acts and positions to 11 and 12 year olds. That's just obscene. And I've been pointing out that a lot of federal legislation starts with "test cases" on a local level. Governor Mike Huckabee was interviewed on another Fox News show right after last weeks election, and he said the same thing. Talking about the fact that conservatives / Republicans picked up 680 seats in various state legislatures and another 22 governorships making that total now 27, he mentioned that a lot of federal laws start out as state or local laws that are then picked up by Congress. You can be sure that Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings has his eyes on what's happening way out in Helena, MT.

Now to Kevin Jennings; a little background on him: he is a former teacher, an advocate for promoting homosexuality in schools, openly writes about his past drug abuse without expressing regret, and expresses a contempt for religion. He wrote the forward to the book "The Queering of the Elementary Schools"; stated that he wants to "encourage homosexuality in the public schools" and wants kids to be taught about homosexuality as early as kindergarten.  How confusing will that be to them? In his own book, "Mama's Boy, Preacher's Son: A Memoir" he dedicated a chapter to Harry Hay, the man behind NAMBLA (National Association of Man-Boy Love) and praised Hay in a speech as being his inspiration. Hay espoused that the greatest experience boys as young as 13 could have is involvement with older men. Jennings, when he was a teacher, was approached by a 15 year old boy troubled because he had been picked up in a bus station by an older man and had sex with him. Instead of addressing the issue of pedophilia and victimization of a child, which this clearly was, Jennings merely told the boy he hoped he had used a condom. How "cool" was that? Jennings started the organization GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) which is now widespread in schools across the country. At a GLSEN  conference in 2000,  there was an "educational" seminar for kids that included instruction in various sex acts; one of which is "fisting". If you don't know what that is, look it up. It was described as "an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with". Adults? That's their business. Kids? That's another whole ballgame. Leave the kids alone!

Since being annointed; excuse me, appointed, "Safe School Czar" Kevin Jennings has compiled a list of 100 "Recommended Reading" books for teachers and students. I'm not going to list the titles here, you should look them up for yourself. But they read like pornography. Again, a tactic used by pedophiles to acclimitize young children before victimizing them. I read excerpts from some of the books on the list. One described a teenage girl who recommended teenage prostitution as a means to boost self-esteem. Give me a break, is anybody but a gullible teenager going to believe that becoming a prostitute will make them feel better about themselves? Another described sexual encounters in the boys room at school between kindergarteners. Yet another described a 13 year old boy who spent months "screwing" every boy / man he could. I don't recall any of the "100 Recommended Reading" books advocating anything but homosexual acts; nothing being taught about sex or love between members of the opposite sex.  In the Fox News article, Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council was quoted as saying "Jennings was obviously chosen for this job because of the safe schools aspect . . . defining 'safe schools' narrowly in terms of  'safe for homosexuality'." It's clear to me that Jennings is serving to indoctrinate Americas children with his own personal attitudes about sexuality; teaching only a homosexual agenda instead of the whole picture. Like I said, indoctrination. Which leads me to the moral / religious aspect, which should be up to the parents / family of the children of American to impart to them. Here's what Jennings has to say about that, from his above mentioned memoirs: "What had God done for me . . . Squat. Screw you, buddy - I don't need you around anymore, I decided". Speaking of the Baptist Church: ". . . I wanted no more of it or its Father. The long erosion of my faith was now complete, and I, for many years, reacted violently to anyone who professed any kind of religion".

Thus saith Kevin Jennings, "Safe School Czar". Do you trust him to keep your kids safe?
America, wake up and smell the rubber burning.

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