Tuesday, November 2, 2010

There's Got To Be A Morning After

"It's not too late, not while we're living . . . . There's got to be a morning after."
paraphrased from the song "The Morning After" from the movie "The Poseidon Adventure"

Today is the mid-term elections for Congress, electing Senators and Representatives. Please God, we will elect enough conservative Republicans, if not to obtain a majority in both Houses, to at least stop the sickening slide into European-style socialism Obama and his corrupt cartel threw the United States into with the general elections of 2008. As far as I'm concerned, the only good liberal is a gone liberal. Starting tomorrow, however, we need to be aware that Obama is not going to give up any of the power he has grabbed unto himself, with his Democrat-majority Congress that allowed him to pass just about any measure he chose to. Look for him to try to rely more and more on executive orders to conduct his agenda, by way of completely circumventing Congress. Like CNS News observed back in August, "He doesn't want to be a president, he wants to be a dictator ruling by fiat". In an interview last week, Obama told the interviewer that "we have the structure in place" to start implementing most of the measure that have already passed. One thing to look for is the tightening of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) rules and guidelines as a way to adapt some of the measures Obama wanted in the Global Warming Initiative that he wasn't able to get passed. Or to start using the Health Choices Committee (death panel) that was set up and funded thru the Stimulus Bill.

Look for Congress to try to feverishly ram thru some more legislation during their lame-duck session before the newly elected members of Congress are seated on January 1, 2011. During his campaigning for the presidential election in 2008, Obama talked about the "need" for a civilian security force "as large and as well funded as the military".  Well, now Congressman (or maybe it's Senator) Charlie Rangel wants to give it to Obama. According to Western Journalism, he has proposed the Universal National Service Act, requiring everybody between 18 and 42 (42?) to perform service, in the armed forces or in civilian service, in the interest of national defense and homeland security. The proposal also reinstates the "draft", calling for the induction of both men and women into the armed forces during wartime. If you aren't fit for military service, then you have to serve in the civilian service. This may be a smoke screen. I think everything the corrupt cartel does is scripted and structured. There was no need to worry about "death panels" in obamacare; they were already set up in the stimulus bill. Now, we are all watching to see what happens with Rangel's proposal, when in reality there is already a provision in obamacare (Section 5210: Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.); the description of which very closely resembles what Charlie is proposing. Smoke screen? Maybe, maybe not.

There are two ways in which the lame-duck Congress plans to try to ram shamnesty down our throats while they still have a Democrat majority. In today's newsletter from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) Senator "Dirty" Harry Reid is promising action on the DREAM Act before the end of the year. That's his plan to allow illegal aliens who came here as children and are between the ages of 15 and 30, to attend college or do military service in exchange for legality. Which would then grant them citizenship in 2 years and they could then "sponsor" all their illegal relatives for citizenship. One question - what happens to all those illegal relatives in the meantime? Are they just allowed to continue sponging off America at will, while they are waiting for the back door to open for them? Reid announced his plan on Univision; you know, the Mexican television network that Obama spoke on last week where he told the hispanics to "punish their enemies", those of us who oppose blanket amnesty. Dirty Harry seems sure of his chances of success; he told The Hill yesterday that "We all support the DREAM Act. I just need a handful of Republicans to help me." Dream on, Harry. Now let's take a look at Congressman Luis Gutierrez of Illinois. He's going for the whole enchilada. He want's "comprehensive immigration reform"; i.e. blanket amnesty for everybody. He plans to re-introduce the bill he wrote, in the upcoming week, and try to get it passed by the end of the year. He even gave up a chance to run for mayor of Chicago to stay in Congress and push for shamnesty. So far, Gutierrez has helped over 50,000 illegals in the Chicago area become legal, according to Chicago Now. And he told the Chicago Tribune "That is my vocation and that is where I will put my energy in the coming months." So we need to put our energy into continuing to let our Congress critters know they'd better not pass shamnesty.

There are 2 more ways the corrupt cartel plans to try to get into our wallets while they have a lame-duck Democrat majority. One is by way of HR-4646, the so-called "Debt Free America Act" introduced by Congressman Peter deFazio (D-OR) and Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA). In addition to letting the Bush tax cuts expire the end of they year, Congress is also trying to impose a 1% financial transaction tax. What it will mean, unless we can stop it, is that everytime we make a bank deposit, bank withdrawal, or write a check, we will pay 1% of the transaction into the U.S. Treasury as tax revenue. For instance, if you have a paycheck deposit of $500, Uncle Sugar will get $5; for a transaction of $5,000, the government will get $50; and so on. Not just for deposits. For every financial (bank) transaction, whether you're putting in or taking out. The bill is now in committee, and page 11 of it states that the vote on passage shall occur not later than December 23, 2010. Merry Christmas; not. But by far the most diabolical of the financial grabs that Obama and his cronies are trying to make is the nationalization of our 401K's. The House of Representatives has already held hearings on it; Obama has an unofficial 401K nationalization czar, Teresa Ghilarducci of the New School for Social (socialism) Research, who has already testified in favor of the government seizing 401K's and other retirement assets. Also, on the Senatorial side of the aisle, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) introduced a bill in August to mandate (make mandatory) automatic IRA (401K) contributions. Sounds like that's paving the way to guarantee a constant influx of money into the 401K's after the current regime appropriates them. According to World Net Daily and Western Journalism, the plan is to apply the money's in retirement accounts, which is over $15 trillion, to the national debt, then "equalize" what everybody gets by way of retirement dispensation. Can we say "socialism", children? The next "taskforce" meeting on this is scheduled for November 10. We need to also continue contacting our members of Congress and let them know to keep their hands out of our bank accounts and our retirement accounts. America, wake up and smell the sulfur burning.

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