Friday, November 12, 2010

The Path to Shariah

In this short video, Col. Allen West takes 2 minutes to brilliantly give a chronological history of Islam and points out that Islamic terrorists are not just a handfull who are distorting a religion for their radical purposes, but are in fact living up to the actual tenets and teachings of Islam. Col. West is a newly elected Congressman from Florida, and a Constitutional conservative. When forced to resign from the military for a harsh interrogation technique that uncovered information that saved the lives of many of our wonderful military men and women, Col. West said he would do it again; that if it meant the welfare and lives of his troops he would walk thru Hell with a gasoline can.

In the pre-Reagan era, the American policy toward the Soviet Union was one of  "detente"; the thought that the Soviets could be placated by accomodative policies; much like Obama's policy of appeasement toward muslim-majority countries. Back then, a group of highly-regarded analysts formed to critique that policy of accomodation. In 1976, they formed "Team B", to rebut the accepted government ("Team A") policy regarding the Soviet Union; and found that detente was actually exposing the U.S. to lethal danger. It was the findings of Team B that later formed the foundation of the Reagan Doctrine. Now a new team of analysts have formed Team B II to study the effectiveness of appeasement on the spreading of Islam and Shariah throughout the fiber of America. Yesterday, the Center for Security Policy released the results of that study; a 372 page document entitled "Shariah - The Threat to America, An Exercise in Competitive Analysis, Report of Team B II".  I found a summary of that report at titled Chilling Report / The Legal, Political and Military Path of Shariah in the United States Today. You can go to Right Side News to read their summary, or to the Center for Security Policy website to read the entire report. Here are a few points I want to emphasize from the summary:

For over 60 years, muslims have been settling in the U.S. under a strategy of  "stealth jihad". At the center of that strategy is Shariah ("the path"), which has been misconstrued as a religious doctrine, but is in reality a legal-political-military doctrine. In 1991, a document was seized at the home of a Muslim Brotherhood member; "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America". I have seen this reported on at World Net Daily; if anybody is interested, you can go there and find it in their archives. In this document, the Muslim Brotherhood outlined how it planned using peaceful means at first, then calling for the destruction of America, to be replaced with rule by Shariah. It is outlined under Point 4 "Process of Settlement": "The process of settlement is a "Civilization Jihadist Process" . . . the Brotherhood must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions". 

Another document which came to light in 2004 during the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial, listed the phases of that "stealth jihad" and the Team B II report indicates we are close to the last phase. Phase One calls for discreet and secret establishment of leadership (muslim leaders quietly established themselves until once we hear their names they have been entrenched for decades).  Phase Two calls for gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities, infiltrating sectors of the government, establishing religious institutions, gaining public support, and establishing a shadow government within the U.S. government (muslims now in high offices in the regime, in Congress, advising the president, and at least 3 in the Dept. of Homeland Security, the latest appointed by Napolitano quietly 3 weeks ago). Phase three calls for escalation prior to conflict and confrontation with the government, utilizing mass media (they are currently stepping up their actions, lawsuits, etc, and manipulating msm into being sympathic to their causes). Phase four calls for the open public confrontation with the government, exercising political pressure (look at Imam Rauf and the Ground Zero Mosque issue, he confronts the government openly and uses political pressure to his advantage) and training in the use of weapons here and abroad , getting ready for zero-hour (there are many training camps for muslims here and the government does very little to shut them down, the assaults won't all come from overseas). Phase five calls for the seizing of power to establish the Islamic Nation under which the various groups are united (all muslims are working toward the same goal, eliminate us).

Our government seems to be going out of its way to aid and abet the muslim take-over of America. I've written in the past about the 2 "devout muslims" that Obama appointed to the Dept. of Homeland Security shortly after he took office; Arif Alikhan the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Policy Development, and Kareem Shora on the Homeland Security Advisory Council. What hasn't been publicized much is that about 3 weeks ago, Napolitano added another "devout muslim" to the Homeland Security Advisory Council as a "de-radicalization expert"; Mohamed Elibiary, who is openly critical of the U.S. prosecution of terror suspects. Here are some other examples of how political-correctness has allowed muslims to invade the fabric and fiber of American life: a known agent of Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case was given a tour of the FBI's National Counterterrorism Center back in September, Anwar al-Awlaki the American-born cleric behind several terror plots including the Fort Hood shooter led a prayer meeting in Congress and had lunch at the Pentagon since 9-11, the chief of staff for a Congressman started  the Congressional Muslim Staff Association which had the head of an organization that supplys funds to al Qaeda come and lead prayers, the National Counterterrorism Center recruited a de-radicalization expert Yair Qadh who is on the terrorist watch list, Muslim Students Assn at Ohio State University was found to be funded by a terrorist financing group, a New Jersey judge ruled that a muslim man may beat and rape his wife because his religion allows it, recently appointed Supreme Court judge Kagan promoted Shariah as dean of Harvard Law School by developing a Saudi-funded program to introduce Shariah compliance, Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to lift a 6 year ban on the son of the Muslim Brotherhood founder who is now back in America aggressiively pursuing "stealth jihad", and the epitome of the stupidity of political correctness is the sensitivity training of FBI agents in Islam to prevent offending muslims. When did the FBI ever show concern about offending Christians, Jews, Hindus, et at? For that matter, how often is someone hired by the government described as a "devout Christian, or Jew or Hindu"?

The Right Side News summary of the Team B II study points out that the radical left, in promoting the goals of radical Islam, is very aware of what those goals are. Many of the radical left muslim sympathizers and abettors are in our own government. David Horowitz has written about it in his book "Unholy Alliance, Radical Islam and the American Left". I haven't read it yet, but I will; I want to know how many other high level officials in our own government are leading us to slaughter by the muslims. Copies of the complete report on the study by Team B II will be delivered to Congress. I'm hoping that this will be something that Congressman Issa (R-CA) and Congressman Smith (R-TX) will have one of their investigation teams  look into. These days, I look around and I feel like Alice after she fell down the rabbit-hole. Have half of my countrymen/women lost their collective minds? Do they really want to "accomodate" and "appease" a barbaric system of  law, Shariah, that has nothing to do with a "religion" and everything to do with being legally able to beat, rape and kill another human being? That goes against everything I've ever known about America; and for anybody, ANYBODY in America to even for a nano-second consider allowing it goes against the very spirit of America.
America wake up; or the stoning, hanging, beheading may be yours.

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