Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sharia-compliant Complacency

In last weeks election, the state of Oklahoma passed, with a 70% majority of voters, a change to their state's Constitution that would bar judges in that state from considering international law or Sharia law when rendering their judgements. Oklahoma prefers it judges to consider Oklahoma state law or United States federal law when deciding cases before them. Sounds reasonable to me. Then CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) stepped in and filed an application for an injuction. A judge granted a restraining order against the state of Oklahoma preventing it from implementing it's new law, until a hearing is held on the constitutionality of it. CAIR won Round One. While driving into town yesterday, I was listening to Mike Gallagher talking about this turn of events. He mentioned a column Thomas Sowell had just written about political judges. I came home and looked up Sowell's article. It didn't speak to this case, but to the appointing of judges in general, instead of putting them on the bench by elections. He ended his article by saying we should stop treating these judges like "sacred cows" when too often they are full of bull.

Let me give you a little background about the judge who sided with CAIR against the State of Oklahoma; Vicki Miles-LaGrange. She's the first black woman to serve in the Oklahoma state legislature or appointed as a federal district judge. She is an activist judge, ala Sotomayor and Kagan, appointed in 1994 by then President Bill Clinton. Which tells you she's a progressive, at least, if not completely socialist. Her education credits, per wikipedia, list University of Ghana (West Africa): Vassar College and Howard University here in the U.S.  The Ghana connection intrigued me; although Ms. Miles-LaGrange is a long-standing member of a Baptist Church. I wondered why, as a Christian, she would support proponents of Sharia law. Thanks to wikipedia, I have my answer: in the 9th century, Islam began it's spread thru West Africa with it's roots in Ghana. Ms. Miles-LaGrange must surely have lived in Ghana while she was attending the University of Ghana. It brings to mind Obama living in Islamic Indonesia, then attending a Christian church for 20 years, while maintaining his obvious muslim leanings and sympathies.

The CAIR lawsuit against the State of Oklahoma was brought by Muneer Awad, the executive director of CAIR in Oklahoma. His claim is that the new Oklahoma law banning international law and Sharia law violates his 1st Amendment rights through the condemnation of his faith and singles out Islam by barring courts from referrring to Sharia law. I don't see how he has a case. The new Oklahoma law won't prevent any muslim from practicing their "religion"; it will prevent the implementation of a barbaric, stone age type of criminal justice system that calls for such things as the stoning to death of women for adultery or "caning" of them for wearing western clothes or being in the company of non-relative men, for the killing of infidels (those who don't believe in Islam, i.e. Christians), or cutting off the hands of thieves (even someone who steals food because their children are starving). Do we really want that kind of law in America? I say NO! And anybody who labels themselves a Christian should be shouting NO! also. We are heading toward Sharia-compliant Christianity. Christianity is practicing slow-motion suicide, instead of acting in self-defense. The implementation of Sharia law in America will give muslims a legal right, under law, to kill Christians.

Mike Gallagher also mentioned yesterday an ABC program hosted by Christiane Amanpour, with a panel discussing Islam. I looked that up on the internet also. I hadn't heard about it, so I assumed it was something from a while back. Wrong. It was from a recent episode of  "This Week" on ABC, from a few Sundays back, questioning "Should Americans fear Islam?". On the panel was Reverend Franklin Graham, Reza Aslan of The Daily Beast, and Anjem Choudary who is the leader of the extremist group Islam4UK which is now outlawed in Great Britain. According to CNS News, 10-6-10, Amanpour chastised Reverend Franklin Graham for pointing out the dangers of radical Islam, while Reza Aslan said the Reverand's position "is actually the definition of bigotry". And what did Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary have to contribute to the discussion? "We do believe as Muslims, the East and West will be governed by the Sharia. INDEED WE BELIEVE THAT ONE DAY THE FLAG OF ISLAM WILL FLY OVER THE WHITE HOUSE. Islam has a solution for all of the problems that mankind faces".  (emphasis mine) I would like to point out that any muslim cleric or scholar can pass judgement on any person under Sharia law, without need of a judge or jury, by passing a fatwa and condeming that person to death. Is that the kind of law we want in America?

While looking for a source for the statement that Mike Gallagher said Choudary had made (and which no major news outlet reported), I came across information on CAIR founder Omar Ahmad, and also information on another muslim leader, Abu Saif of the Party of Liberation, which states its aim is to establish the rule of Islamic law (Sharia) over the world. First, about Omar Ahmad: in 1998 reporter Lisa Gardner, writing for the Fremont CA Argus newspaper and the San Ramon Valley Herald, covered a conference Ahmad spoke at regarding "How Should We As Muslims Live in America". She quoted Ahmad as saying "Islam must one day dominate the U.S. Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of Scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth". To be fair, when Ahmad was asked about this quote by World Net Daily in 2007, he claimed that he had protested it's accuracy to the publications it appeared in and disputed Ms. Gardner's reporting, but neither publication ever printed a retraction or correction. Ahmad also denies that he told the group of Muslims at the conference in 1998 that they are in America not to assimilate but to help bring about Islam's rule over the nation.

At this same conference was Abu Saif, the Party of Liberation representative. Abu Saif spoke at a muslim rally in London  in 2007 that was covered by World Net Daily, talking of a future vision that encompassed an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America. Abu Saif was interviewed (taped) by Rusty Humphries for World Net Daily, stating "Are we to say that Muslims can fully practice religion in America . . . say, for instance, I was a Muslim in America. Could I call for the destruction of the American government and establishment of an Islamic state in America? No. So where is the freedom of religion? There is none."  When asked by Humphries if he called for the overthrow of the American government, Abu Saif replied "Of course, we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam. One of the prophecies of the message of Muhammad was the hour will never come, i.e., the last day - which you (Christians) also believe in - will never come until a group of Muslims . . . will rise and conquer the White House." Humphries warns that America has 3 major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for being in America is to help fulfill that prophecy; our unprotected borders, our inability to say NO to the muslims, and the lack of assimilation of muslims into American culture. Christians, we need to stand up and say NO!

On the subject of our unprotected borders, the video at the top is from a Phoenix AZ television station; reporting about the incursion, over our border with Mexico, of several hundred members of the Islamic terrorist organization Al Shabob. A happening that our government, in the form of Obama's Department of Homeland Security head, Janet Napolitano is choosing to do nothing about. Our own government, for reasons of political expediency, in the hopes of padding it's voter base with hispanics, by pandering to the large population of illegal aliens in America, is endangering the lives of it's own citizens by doing nothing. And another article I want to mention, since it strikes a chord with the "taking over the White House" Islamic prophecy, is from Newsmax dated 9-7-08 and quotes Menashe Amir, the Iranian head of Radio Israel Persian language: "Iran's leadership has expressed great pleasure at the prospect of a Barack Obama victory in November. One of the Iranian religious leaders said if Obama will enter the White House, then Islam will conquer the heart of the American nation. The Iranian leadership likes Obama mainly because he is a Muslim. His first name Barack, comes from "Al-baraq" which is the name of the horse that muslims believe Muhammad rode on his way to paradise."  This sent me to my Bible; Revelation 6:5-6: "When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the thrid living creature say, 'Come!' I looked, and there before me was a black horse! It's rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, 'A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  The third horse of the Apocalypse, the black horse, signifies famine. I've heard on the news the past couple of days, that economists are predicting after the Federal Reserve just monetized American's debt, that we will be facing rising food prices and shortages; we are told to expect $20 loaves of bread and to pay $24 for a bag of sugar. And who put the measures in place that is bringing America to it's knees?

But back to the subject at hand; the push of muslims in America to force us to become Sharia-compliant. Aided and abetted by Christians who are trying too hard to be politically correct. There is a report in the U.K. Telegraph from yesterday 11-9-10, about a woman sentenced to death by hanging in Pakistan. Her name is Asia Bibi, a 45 year old mother of 5, and the charge is blasphemy - a capital offense under Sharia law. She was working in a field with other women and was asked to go fetch some drinking water. When she got back, some of the muslim women in the group refused to drink the water, claiming that it was "unclean". There was a confrontation, which died down; but a few days later Asia Bibi was beset by a mob. She was rescued from the mob by the police, which was really no rescue at all; because the police succumbed to pressure from muslim clerics and charged her with blasphemy. A charge for which the muslims clerics sentenced her to die by hanging. Her true crime? Being an infidel in the eyes of Islam; being a Christian. Is this the kind of law and punishment we really want in America? It has nothing to do with the practice of a "religion". It has to do with barbaric, stone age, theocracy. Christians, we need to stand up and shout at the top of our lungs, loud and clear, on the subject of Sharia law in America, a resounding NO!
America, wake up before you smell your Bibles burning.

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