Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ZERO the ground Zero mosque

Okay, boys and girls. I started digging into the story behind the Ground Zero mosque and there's a lot of material out there. I know not everybody is as much a detail freak as I am (anal retentive, much?), so I won't include everything I found, just the highlights (or lowlights, however you look at it) which are enough that people should be asking themselves would they consider buying a used car from these people, or even trust them to walk your dog.

First a little history lesson. Muslims have a centuries-old tradition of putting mosques at the sites of their conquests or victories. (Symbols and their meaning, 8/20/10). The Twin Towers were the symbol of U.S. global economic dominance and to the muslim world the destruction of them meant muslim dominance over the U.S. Remember the muslims dancing in the streets all around the world when the Towers came down? The Temple in Jerusalem symbolizes the Jewish nation. The muslims built a mosque on top of the Temple Mount to symbolize their superiority over Israel. The muslims built a mosque over the Church in Cordoba, Italy and converted the Hegia Sophia Church in Constantinople to a mosque. They have done the same to hundreds of Hindu and Buddhist shrines. This is a 1400 year old tradition they are still following. They plan to call the mosque at Ground Zero "Cordoba House" in honor of the mosque at Cordoba, Spain because to them it represents the same thing, muslim conquest over infidels.

The "developer" of the Ground Zero mosque is Egyptian Sharif el-Gamal. According to a story in today's Yahoo news, he is being evicted from his office building for failing to pay back rent. He was also served an eviction last year, but reached a settlement with the property owners that time. He doesn't even own all the property where the mosque is proposed; part of it is still owned by Con Edison and el-Gamal is leasing it with the option to buy. CBS News New York reported 8-30-10 on el Gamal's background. He's got a checkered past, going all the way back to 1990 and including arrests and guilty pleas to disorderly conduct, DUI, and petty larceny on 6 different occasions. His 7th and latest brush with the law came in 2005 when he assaulted a man while working as a waiter. In the arrest documents he said "his face could have run into my hand".  His victim suffered a broken nose and cheekbone; a claim was filed against el Gamal in 2008 for $15,000 and he had trouble coming up with it until it ran into interest charges. El Gamal currently owes over $227,000 in unpaid property taxes which is accruing daily interest. Ask yourself, as I have, how could a man who was working as a waiter in 2005 and couldn't pay a $15,000 claim to his assault victim in 2008 suddenly be able to purchase the site of the proposed Ground Zero mosque in 2009 for $4.5 million, CASH. (note: the New York Observer puts the purchase amount at $4.85 million)

The person behind the mosque developer Sharif el Gamal is Kuwait born muslim cleric Imam Feisal Rauf. Shortly after 9-11-01, Rauf said in an interview with the television program "60 Minutes" that the U.S. was "an accessory to the crime"  implying that the 19 terrorists were acting in self defense for the muslim world. In 2005 Rauf told a large muslim audience in Australia that the United States "had more muslim blood on its hands than al Qaeda has on it's hands of innocent non-muslims".  Rauf is petitioning our government to become "Sharia compliant" and place a sharia system within our judicial system. We all know about the horrors of sharia law, so I won't go into that here. Rauf refuses to condemn Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization targeting Israel, as a terror organization. More about that later. Rauf refuses to say where the $100 million budget to build his mosque is going to come from. Now, Rauf has said (Yahoo news 9-13-10) that he doesn't see Ground Zero as a sacred memorial sight and that saying it is hallowed ground is a "misconception".  Rauf  said moving the mosque would incite islamic extremists to attack the United States (ABC "This Week" 9-12-10)

The roots of the Ground Zero mosque plot go back to 2003; first proposed by 2 Iranian brothers, Amir and Hossein Mahallati. Amir was involved with Rauf in an obscure nonprofit entity, while Hossein is the former director of the Alavi Foundation set up by the Shah of Iran, which is now under sanction by the U.S. for transferring funds to the Iranian national financial institution.  Partnering with el Gamal in developing the mosque is Nour Moussa, nephew of Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League and the 1st major Arab leader to go to Gaza and support Hamas. Remember, Imam Rauf refuses to condemn Hamas as being a terrorist organization. Rauf is a prominent figure and supporter of a group that sponsors and funds the IHH warship convoy (aka "flotilla") attempting to evade Israel and smuggle arms to Gaza. Rauf's uncle-in-law is Dr. Farooq Khan, former leader of a Westbury Mosque on Long Island, a center for muslim radicals and thru it's website links people to Islamic Circle of North America, which is a front here in America for a Pakistani jihadist Jamaat e-Islami. (The previous from  The last associate of Rauf's I'm going to mention (this time, at least) is Faiz Khan. Faiz Khan was Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims. Khan is also on the board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth. Yep, he's a "truther" who believes the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that muslims have been made the scapegoats (New York Post). He said the only role that "militant Islamic networks" played  was a partial role as "patsy and scapegoat". Kind of echoes what Imam Rauf has said, doesn't it? The last associate of developer el Gamal that I want to mention is one of his investors, Hisham Elzanaty, who expresses sympathy for Palestinians and has in the past supported a "charity" shut down by the U.S. for it's links to Hamas (The Jerusalem Post).

The Twin Towers are no longer there, in the background of many pictures taken of the Statue of Liberty. Do we really want them replaced by a monstrous 15 story mosque with a dome and minaret; in every picture taken at this angle of the Statue of Liberty? For those who don't know what a minaret is; it's the tall spire on top of mosques, generally taller that the supporting structure it's built on. The muslims consider it "the sword of Islam". Remember the old axiom "We are known by the company we keep"?  This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I've given enough information that everybody should be asking themselves some questions and not just blindly following the pied piper to the altar of "political correctness". Are we really supposed to believe the propaganda that these are just a bunch of "moderate" muslims? Their associations don't say that; and their associations speak volumns, and at a very loud volume. Have ears to hear. Please.

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