Monday, September 13, 2010

Good Morning, America

Good morning, America. This is my very first ever blog. On the information highway, I'm what's known as "roadkill". Bear with me as I learn to navigate my way thru blog-dom, and with time and experience my little blog will become more interesting and informative. I plan to comment on current events, domestic and foreign, that impact our country. Except for the articles I post or quote, what I write will be my opinions. You may agree with them, or you may not; everybody has the right to an opinion and everybody has the right to be wrong. If you chose to send me a comment on anything I write, please make it civil and profanity-free.

After the muslim extremist terrorist attack on the United States on 9-11-01,  2 men created a poster that, to me was iconic of how the entire country felt. Most of you have seen it; it has the World Trade Center in the background, superimposed over the Stars and Stripes, and the symbol of America, the American Eagle in the foreground, with a tear falling from it's eye. That's the inspiration for the title of my blog, Eagles Tears; I had wanted to use that picture in the masthead; but it's internet copyright protected and I wasn't able to contact the artists to obtain permission to use it. Maybe I can add it in the future, but for now, think of that vision whenever you visit me here.

So there will be no confusion on where I stand on the issues facing our Republic (yes, Republic; it's not a Democracy, it's a Representative Republic), I will describe myself with 2 words: Christian conservative. I have never been party-affiliated; I have voted Democrat, Republican, and Independent, depending on the background and policies of the candidate. I am pro-limited government, anti-big government. Pro-American sovreignity, anti-global governance. Pro-free enterprise, anti-progressive socialism. Pro-American exceptionism, anti-American mediocrity. Pro-strong military, anti-disarmament. Pro-individual responsibility, anti-entitlements. Pro-American patriotism, anti-American pandering. That should do it for now; if I think of more later, I can always add them.

The first word I use to describe myself is Christian. So the first issue I am going to take issue with is the pronouncement that America is no longer a Christian nation. At the time the American colonies came together, the only religion legally allowed in Great Britain was the Church of England; and the only version of the Bible permitted was printed by the Church of England. There's a wonderful website dedicated to our Christain heritage,  The first Bible printed in the newly formed United States of American was printed in 1871; it was called the Aitken Bible, and it was specifically printed for use in the SCHOOLS. Our founding fathers fully intended that America be a Christian nation. Here's a quote from the records of Congress, United States House Judiciary Committee in 1854, almost a century after the Revolutionary War:  "Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution (against Christianity) would have been strangled in it's cradle - - - In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity - - - That was the religion of the founders of the Republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendents."  I would like to borrow from that quote: in this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity.

During the 2nd century after the Revolutionary War, things in America had begun to change "radically". There was a self-proclaimed Marxist organizer named Saul Alinsky, who wrote a book titled "Rules for Radicals".  We know today 2 of his followers; Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton wrote her honors thesis on Saul Alinsky. There was once a well-known community organizer in Chicago, IL who followed the guide-lines, and taught classes in community organizing, using the book "Rules for Radicals". At,  you can look up "Rules for Radicals" and see who Saul Alinsky dedicated the book to; a book which many are using to this very day to divide and conquer our country. Here's the tribute Saul Alinsky paid to his inspiration: "From all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which) the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer".

So it boils down that 2 of the choices we are faced with in these trying, uncertain times are:
Adhere to the conservative principals of our founding fathers, who based the Constitution of the United States of America on the Mosaic Laws of God's Word, the Bible; and follow the teaching of His son, Jesus.
Or bend to the will of those who pervert the Constitution to their own purposes and power; and the minions who follow, en mass, the teachings of a liberal (self-proclaimed) Marxist who was inspired by Satan.
Seems kind of black and white doesn't it. By the way, that's an issue I'll opine on in a later post.

1 comment:

  1. You have hit the nails on their heads. Hope folks pay attention to your thoughts and ideas. I didn't know the history of the first Bible printed in America or it intented use. This country was founded on freedom of religion for Christian of different Christian churches and different Christian faiths, etc. It was not meant for freedom of other religions based on satanic principals. God had his word, the Bible written down for the human race to live by for their own good. He stated that it was not to be added to or taken from. Does the name Allah or prophet Muhammed appear anywhere in the Bible?
    Thanks for the info and keep on with the good work with your blog.
    Lucy from Texas
