Friday, September 17, 2010

God save the children

Pamela Geller has a wonderful website, Atlas Shrugs (, that shines the light of truth on the mosqueing of America, creeping sharia, and the spreading of the tentacles of Islam thru every aspect of American life. The 9-11 Remembrance and Stop the Ground Zero Mosque Rally was either minimized or ignored by the media; yet, the crowd was massive, as you can see by the pictures Ms. Geller has posted. Go there for the truth. There's an article on Atlas Shrugs "Public Schools Proselytizing for Islam: School Trip to "Moderate" Mosque: Inside Video Captures Non-Muslim Kids Bowing, Praying to Allah", that all parents and grandparents need to read. Can you imagine the uproar if a public school had taken kids on a field trip to a Christian church and had them participate in an altar call? Christian children aren't allowed to pray to their God, or carry a Bible in public schools; yet some public schools are setting aside rooms and giving extra break time to muslim students to pray several times a day to Allah. Indoctrination of our children under the guise of cultural diversity is just plain wrong. It is the right of parents to guide their childrens' religious development; not the government, in the form of public school officials.

As a grandparent of elementary school age children, I've been concerned about how young children are being indoctrinated in several areas, that take the rights away from the parents regarding how THEY want to guide the development of their own children. I've been aware that with left-wing liberal professors in most colleges these days, college students are being indoctrinated with the idealogies of those teachers. My daughter is taking accelerated classes at a university. The first class was an orientation; yet the teacher had questions on an exam asking what has Obama done good for America. To pass the exam, the students had to name some things Obama has done "good for America"; whether that's what the student believed or not. What, I ask, does that have to do with a class addressing the subject of curriculum orientation? Not a thing. It has to do with the teachers political ideology. It has no place in a classroom. And now this kind of indoctrination has creeped into the public schools. Is there anybody who hasn't seen one of the many videos going around the internet of kids as young as kindergarten age being brainwashed into singing the praises of Obama? They are there to get an education, not a political indoctrination. I know children need heroes to look up to, but to Deify a mere mortal human being? I don't think so. It is the right of parents to guide their childrens' political growth;  not that of the government, in the form of public school officials.

Another area of concern regarding public schools overstepping their role, is in sex education and in trying to mold a young persons' sexual orientation. Here's some background on the "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings from he founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, and says he was inspired by the late Harry Hay, a self-proclaimed Marxist who was a leading member of NAMBLA, North American Man-Boy Love Association. Hay felt that a relationship with an older man was one of the best things that could happen to a young boy. Kevin Jennings wrote a book titled "Queering Elementary Education"; he also has a book list for teachers to choose from that includes pornography and one book (out of many) that recommends being a gay prostitute as a way to bolster self-esteem in a teenager. I've read excerpts (there is a list on line if you want to look it up) from several of the recommended books, and they are not what should be taught in public schools; we send our kids to public schools for an education, not an indoctrination. Jennings organized an event in Boston in 2005 that has become known as "fistgate" because gay sexual activities were actually demonstrated. A booklet was also handed out to high-schoolers with a list of gay bars in Boston. Teenagers should be discouraged from going to bars, period; much less directed to gay bars. It's the right of parents to guide their childrens' sexual education and attitudes; not the government, in the form of public school officials.

There's a situation developing in Helena, Montana, that has caught national attention. My skepticism is alive and well, and very healthy. I have to wonder if this is a "test case" and Helena was picked because it might have been obscure enough for this plan to gain a foothold and start roots that could then be implemented in other schools across the country. From, here's the 4 stages of the curriculum: kindergartners and 1st graders would be shown pictures of male and female genitalia and taught the proper verbage for them and taught that people can love others of the same gender. Fifth graders would be taught sexual positions and that intercourse involves oral and anal penetration. Middle school discussions would have the topics of pregnancy and alcohol. High schoolers would be taught the "legal implications" of some decisions. First of all, can you imagine the confusion of kindergartners and 1st graders, who are struggling to learn reading and arithmatic, if they are suddenly shown graphic pictures of body parts and taught words that are beyond their realm of experience? Too much, too soon. And isn't that how pediphiles operate; they "soften up" their victims by showing them sexually explicit pictures and videos? What might those innocent young children be subjected to under the guise of  "sex education"? Kevin Jennings wrote a forward to a book in which he states that the sexual innocence of young children is a "veneer" created by their parents. Veneer, my behind. Children of that age ARE sincerely innocent. Let's not take that away from them. As for teaching 5th graders about the various aspects of sexual activity; again it's not the teachers responsibility to do that. The government is usurping the rights and responsibilities of the parents. Don't let them do it.

Do you believe in coincidence? I started fomenting this subject last night. This morning when I woke up at 4:00 AM, I was already composing it in my mind. On Fox News Network this morning, there was an interview with Bruce Messinger, the superintendent of schools for Helena, Montana. So much for Helena not gaining national attention. There have, so far, been more than 7,000 parents come forward and protest the proposed sex education curriculum. According to Mr. Messinger, they have decided to forgo the "graphics", but still intend to implement the curriculum in Helena public schools. He refuses to disclose who wrote the sex education curriculum; just to say that it included parents, educators, and experts. The CNN article mentions "national guidelines". What "national guidelines" exactly? The news coverage on the Helena sex education curriculum gives the impression that it is a unique and first of it's kind approach to sex education in our public schools. So just where do those "national guidelines" come from? The so-called "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings, perhaps?

This is not a discussion of whether homosexuality is right or wrong; it is a discussion of what young kids should be told, at what age they should be told it, and by whom it should be told. It is a discussion of children being indoctrinated into a religion that may conflict with their parents beliefs. It is a discussion of children being indoctrinated into a political ideology that may clash with their parents beliefs. Children are being steered into going to people other than their parents for information that should be the domain of parents to impart. Parents, ask yourselves, are you willing to abdicate your rights and responsibilities of guiding your own childrens' development, growth, attitudes and ideology in the areas of religious beliefs, political beliefs, and sexual beliefs? If you don't step forward and re-claim those rights, the federal government in the form of public school officials, is rapidly taking them away from you. Stand up for your rights. Stand up for your children. America's children.

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