Monday, September 20, 2010

Congress Interruptus

Oops, he's done it again. Last Friday, Sept. 17, 2010, we were blessed with yet another end-run around Congress. This administration is still on it's mission to make not only our Constitution irrelevant, but our Congress impotent. This tactic has been used more times than I can count; the last time I had the stomach to look it up, there were 33 "special assistants" or "special advisors" - a.k.a. "czars". That was months ago, so I'm sure that number has greatly increased. In fact, as I was researching this, I came across an email I sent out 7/7/10, that Obama had just named a health care "czar", circumventing Congress. Yes, other administrations have had "czars". But not nearly as abundantly, and not in the same blatant manner of circumventing Senate confirmation. In previous administrations, "special assistants" and "special advisors" were just that - assistants and advisors. They did not have the same responsibilities as Cabinet Members, which require Senate confirmation. This administration sets up it's "czars" with the same responsibilities as some Cabinet Members, making those positions redundant. Why, you might ask, would there be "czars" with the same responsibilities as Cabinet Members; when the Cabinet Members are already in place and have been confirmed by the Senate? It's simple. Cabinet Members have to be confirmed, are responsible to, and have to answer to, Congress. This administrations "czars" answer only to and get direction only from Obama, don't have to be confirmed by the Senate, and are not allowed to answer to Congress. 
The latest "czar" is Elizabeth Warren, who will create and dictate the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. According to the Washington Post, it was her "brainchild".  More "cronyism"; she's a friend of Obama from college, and is a progressive activist. She'll be working with tax cheat Timothy Geithner, but answering only to Obama. Since Geithner is only "interim" Treasury Secretary - which is how Senate confirmation was avoided - she may end up being named Treasury Secretary. I wonder how they will get around Senate confirmation on that one; if there's a way, they'll find it. Oh, by the way, did y'all know that Andy Stern, the former head of SEIU, is now on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform? The same Andy Stern who has said in video's that he agrees with Mao that power comes thru the end of a gun; and that if the power of persuasion doesn't work, he'll use the persuasion of power. Don't take my word for it; look it up for yourself, the video's are on youtube.

While I don't know a lot - yet - about Warren's background, I do know that a lot of the appointed, non-Senate-confirmed "czars" are self-proclaimed communists, socialists, Maoists and Marxists. That's how they describe themselves, look it up. And some are just plain weird and sick. Take for instance the science "czar" John Holdren; he advocates, in a book he wrote, mandatory abortions for unmarried women, putting sterilants in drinking water, and says that if babies are socialized and given proper nutrition they probably will become human beings. I'm of the opinion that babies are already human beings. Or regulatory "czar" Cass Sunstein who is an associate and acolyte of a man (Peter Singer) who thinks it ought to be legal to kill babies up to 3 months of age. I researched that in August 2009, and could look back thru my files for the sources, but I'm not going to. I want people to start looking up these things for themselves. It's all out there, open your eyes and see. Use your ears; listen and hear.

I've always felt that, regardless of ethnic background, religious beliefs, economic class, Americans of all walks of life were basically decent people for the most part. I never thought to see, in my lifetime, if ever, the kinds of people that are now installed at the highest levels of government office. They are chipping away at the very foundation of our country and tearing the very fabric of America to shreds. And I see so many Americans all too willing to stand by complacently and complicitly, and let it happen. My patriot's heart cries for what's being done to my beloved America, and I understand the eagle's tears. Wake up, America!

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