Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rewriting history

Obama: 'Long Before America Was an Idea,' It Was Home to Mexicans The FOX Nation

Talk about rewriting history. The Mexicans were here before America? And I always thought Mexicans were a hybrid brought about by the propogating between Spaniards and Indians indigenous to the southern North American continent. And as for "Europeans" taking the area of the United States away from the Indians; what about the area of Mexico being taken away from the Indians? Spaniards are, after all, Europeans; southern Europeans. America declared it's independence 34 years years before Mexico declared it's independence; and won it about 40 years before Mexico won theirs. So, to come right down to it, the United States of America came into being decades before the country of Mexico. Until that time, they were still citizens of Spain; so therefore, Americans existed before Mexicans existed. You have to understand that Obama was speaking (pandering) to an hispanic organization. He'll say whatever it takes, truth be damned.
By the way, this is also the speech where he was reading part of the Constitution from his teleprompter and couldn't get thru the part about men's rights being endowed "by their Creator". He got to that part of the quote, and his mouth puckered up like he was eating key lime pie with too much lime. It looks like he was thinking, "Allah, what do I do now?"; so he just skipped that part. Rewriting history.

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