Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Immigration of the ILLEGAL persuasion

In my introductory post, I failed to mention that I am pro-legal immigration, anti-ILLEGAL immigration. Pro-secured borders, anti-open borders. Pro-border enforcement, anti-border retreat. Pro-deportation, anti-amnesty. I have friends and family members who immigrated to America legally, became Americans, and have contributed to our society. What I have a really big problem with is the people who show America such disrespect as to sneak across our borders illegally (which very act is against our laws and makes them criminals), overburden our education (which has degraded the quality of education, http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/), and medical systems (to the point of some hospitals closing their emergency rooms), and fraudulently take services that are paid for out of our tax dollars. Why are these people still in our country?

Here's how Mexico treats people who enter their country illegally; compare their laws and actions to those of the United States. This is from the Florida Times Union on April 29,2010: The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics" (can you say "racial profiling"?) It bars outsiders who do not enhance the country's "economic or national interests" or are "not found to be physically or mentally healthy" (they don't want poor outsiders). It bars people who show "contempt against national sovereignty or security" (kind of like the illegals who protest America in it's very streets, or the Mexican president castigating America to our own Congress?). People seeking Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam, and prove they can provide their own health care. Document fraud, alien marriage fraud, and evading deportation are subject to imprisonment. Illegal entry into Mexico is a felony subject to 2 years imprisonment, re-entry after deportation carries a 10 year prison sentence. By national law, law enforcement at all levels MUST cooperate to enforce immigration laws, illegal alien arrests and deportations. The military is required to assist law enforcement, and native Mexicans can make citizens arrests of illegal aliens. The National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all foreign nationals and people who do not possess proper documents are assumed to be illegal aliens and subject to arrest. Mexico even outlaws pro-illegal alien SPEECH. What a hypocrit Calderon is.

While Mexico refuses admitance of people with mental disorders, the University of California-Davis School of Medicine did a study in 2007 (http://www.cnsnews.com/) that showed that immigrants with a pre-existing psychiatric disorder were 3 times more likely to migrate to the U.S. than those who didn't. The findings contradict the "healthy migrant" hypothesis; prior to emigration, immigrants had higher rather than lower risk for psychiatric disorder.  The study found that having such a disorder was actually a predictor of migration to the U.S., and that people without legal status are much less likely to seek treatment. It's such a serious matter that our National Institutes of Health is conducting their own $450,000 (our tax dollars) study to further investigate the relationship between emigration from Mexico and psychiatric disorders. Why are these people still in our country?

While illegal immigrants with mental disorders hesitate to seek help, those with other illnesses sure don't.
Federal laws require hospitals to give emergency treatment to patients regardless of citizenship.  According to the Las Vegas Review Journal (http://www.lvrj.com/), University Medical Center will operate at a more than $70 million deficit for 2010. It currently has 243 illegal aliens that come to the emergency room for dialysis, at the rate of about 8 a day, at a cost of $28 million a year. That's on top of the other wide range of ailments that illegals present themselves to the emergency room for. The Federal government requires the treatment of illegal immigrants, but it doesn't cover the entire cost (our tax dollars), leaving a burden on the states and cities. The University of Texas at El Paso did a study last year (http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/)  that found that treating illegal immigrants in Cochise County border hospitals accounted for nearly 25% of the uncompensated costs; and that 25 % of the county's overall health care budget went to treat illegal immigrants. These are only 2 examples, but you can extrapolate them to the thousands of cities across the country that are having the same problems and see how monumental the issue is. Why are these people still in our country?

While the unfair cost to American citizens and legal residents of the 20 million illegal immigrants in America taking advantage of our educational systems, medical care systems, and social services is no small issue, to me the greatest concern is the crimes some of them commit. Which they wouldn't be able to commit if they weren't here illegally (which, by the way, is a crime unto itself). The stories are frequent and myriad. One is from last year in Houston, TX. I don't have a reference for it, but it was in the papers and on the television news; I imagine the Houston Chronicle has the story in it's archives. A cop was shot in the face while serving a drug trafficing warrant at a house where a known illegal immigrant was living. The illegal immigrant had been deported and came back 4 times; and was on a "voluntary deportation" at the time. Give me a break. Get real. If an illegal immigrant criminal had been caught and deported and came back 4 times, why would anybody believe that he was going to "voluntary deport" himself? Here are some reports on illegal immigrant crime statistics:  From http://www.libertypundits.net/ a report of INS participation in Antigang Task Forces in Los Angeles, detailing a file review of 124 arrests. Of them, 106 were in the U.S. illegally, 64 belonged to a gang, with 21 having prior association with a gang. Of the 106 illegal immigrants, 103 already had a criminal record, 85 had at least 1 prior felony conviction, and 49 had more than one prior felony conviction, 69 had at least 1 misdemeanor conviction. Why are these people still in our country?

That article referenced another study reported on by Jim Khouri on http://www.renewamerica.com/ in 2006 (I'm trying to keep to a chronological order to show progression). Jim Khouri was the vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, he reported on a study by the Government Accounting Office on the criminal history of Illegal immigrants in federal and state prisons and local jails. The study took a sample of 55,322 illegal immigrants (the GAO referrred to them as illegal aliens, my how things have become so politically correct in 4 years) in the prison population. Those 55,332 illegal immigrants had been arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging 8 arrests each. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest; 21,000 had between 2 & 5 arrests; 18,000 had between 6 & 10 arrests; and 15,000 had 11 or more arrests. Each arrest may include multiple offenses; there were a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses. Almost all were arrested for more than 1 offense; more than half had between 2 & 10 offenses. About 45% were drug or immigration offenses, 15% were property-related offenses, and 12% were violent offenses. 12% of 700,000 offenses computes to 84,000 murders, assaults, or rapes. The remainder of the offenses were traffic, fraud, weapons violations and obstruction of justice. 80% of the 459,614 arrests occurred in 3 states; 58% in California, 14% in Texas, and 8% in Arizona. Why are these people still in our country?

Let's look at California. There was a report published in the Los Angeles Times, I don't have the date, but I received it in July, 2007; so it is probably still in their archives. At that time, L.A. County had a population of 10.2 million people. 40% of all workers were working for cash and not paying taxes because they were predominantly illegal immigrants. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal immigrants. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles were illegal immigrants. More than 2/3 of the births in Los Angeles County were to illegal immigrants, paid for by us taxpayers. 25% of all California inmates were Mexican Nationals, here illegally. Over 300,000 illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County were living in garages. The FBI reported that half of all gang members in Los Angeles were most likely illegal immigrants from Mexico. Nearly 60% of HUD property occupants were illegal immigrants. Los Angeles had 21 Spanish speaking radio stations. Of the 10.2 million people in Los Angeles County then, 5.1 million spoke English, 3.9 million spoke spanish. Less than 2% of illegal immigrants were field workers, but 29% of illegal immigrants were on welfare. There are Americans doing without, why are these people still in our country?

Now, let's look at Arizona. Arizona has been in the news a lot in the past few months. I can't, for the life of me, understand why any American would side with people who are in this country ILLEGALLY against their fellow Americans. And I sure can't wrap my mind around the current regime suing one of it's states for trying to enforce a law that is almost word for word identical to the one that is already in the Federal Statutes. What part of ILLEGAL don't people understand? This is from a report by the Maricopa County Attorney General Andrew Thomas in October 2008 (www.mcaodocuments.com/press20081002_awhitepaper.pdf):
In 2007, illegal immigrants accounted for 10% of sex crimes convictions, 11% of murder convictions, 13% of stolen car convictions, 13% of aggravated assault convictions, 17% of violent crime convictions, 19% of property crime convictions, 20% of felony DUI convictions, 21% of armed crime convictions, 34% of making, selling or transporting drugs convictions, 36% of kidnapping convictions, 44% of forgery convictions, 50% of  "chop shop" convictions, 85% of false ID convictions, and 96% of smuggling convictions. I daresay things have gotten much worse in the past 3 years; Phoenix is now the kidnapping capital of the United States, 2nd in the world only to Mexico City. Why are these people still in our country?

To illustrate how the costs of American tax-payers having to support the ever-increasing influx of illegal immigrants coming across our southern border, let's compare a report from February 2009 with a report from July 2010. Jim Kouri wrote on Feb. 24,2009 on Mens News Daily (http://www.mensnewsdaily/) "The Big Lie: Illegal Immigration Benefits Americans" (he was still at that time vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police), that upwards of 27% of the U.S. prison and jail population at that time was illegal immigrants; that of illegal immigrants who were working, a large number were paid cash and didn't pay taxes; that the low level of taxes paid by immigrants caused a budget deficit because they are low-skilled, earn lower wages, have a higher rate of consumption of government services and have a higher fertility rate. The National Research Council estimated the net fiscal cost of immigration of being up to $22 billion per year. Now flash forward to July 6, 2010 and the release of a study done by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (http://www.fairus.org/) which shows that the cost to federal and local tax-payers for illegal immigration is $113 billion per year. Out of that, the federal government does manage to collect somehow, $13 billion in taxes from illegal immigrants. The federal governments spends $29 billion on the support and care of illegal immigrants, while the states and cities carry the burden of $84.2 billion per year on illegal immigrants. With so many Americans in need these days, why are these people still in our country?

It's been said that deportation is not feasible. I ask, why not? It's been done before. President Hoover did it. During the Great Depression, he ordered the deportation of all illegal immigrants to make jobs available to American citizens that needed jobs. President Truman did it. He deported over 2,000,000 illegal immigrants after World War II to open up jobs for returning veterans. President Eisenhower did it. He deported 13,000,000 Mexican nationals (it took 2 years)  so that WWII and Korean veterans could have jobs. With 20 million illegal immigrants in America, and 15 million Americans desperately needing jobs to support their own families, who by the way are legal citizens, I have to ask again - why are these people still in our country?

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