Monday, September 27, 2010

U.N. Circus Came to Town

When you are living the nightmare that is life in America under the current regime, sometimes it gets overwhelming. I am one of the many that has been financially devastated by the actions of THIS administration, not the previous one that they like to throw blame at. Between January 20, 2009 and November 2009, my income, which is business-based commission, dropped 90%.  The small town I live in, which had grown from 1,400 residents to over 2,200 residents in the 5 years that I've lived here prior to 2009, has become stagnant. Not only are there no new businesses, there has been a decline in the number of businesses. There are no jobs available without commuting up to an hour each way, and even fewer open to a person of my age. I had a small 401K, which was growing steadily; it was enough to cover my yearly property taxes and property insurance and any maintanence on my property until I was ready to sell and move; and there would have been enough still in it to leave untouched to continue growing. When the stock market reacted to obamanomics, 40% of it went up in smoke. Because of the loss of income directly due to obamanomics, I've had to drain my 401K to live on; to the point there is nothing left. And let's not forget the culpability of the Democratic Congressional majority for the last 6 years, who drove the housing market into the ground. Under the last Presidential term of George Bush, the Democratically controlled Congress ignored 16 out of 17 times the pleas of the Republicans, to rein in and get control over Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and to stabilize the housing market. Yes, George Bush signed the TARP Bill, but it was a final desperate act to save the housing market, when the Democrats in Congress would finally, at the 11th hour, allow action to be taken. So thanks to the Democrats reckless abandon with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, my property, which prior to 2009 had a 50% increase in investment, now has a 50% decrease in investment. If I could even sell now, it would have to be at a loss of half of what I've got invested in it. I know this is the story of millions that have had their lives ruined by the actions of Obama and his cronies, who are trying to bring America down to the level of the poorest countries in the world and "level the playing field". Knowing that doesn't make it any easier to accept. Sometimes it just gets overwhelming. So I spent the weekend reading a good book and listening to the rain, ignoring the news and the internet.

The United Nations circus was in New York City last week and at the edge of the funk I was in, I was aware of some of the goings on. It seemed like a case of school-yard one-up-man-ship. Drawing from CNN, Newsmax and the U.K. Mail; here's a synopsis of how it went: Obama gave his speech to the U.N., once again the appeasor-in-chief offered an olive branch to Ahmahnutjob. Then Ahmahnutjob gave his speech, asserting that the U.S. carried out the attack on 9-11-01 itself to bolster support for Israel. This is the same Ahmahnutjob who says the Holocaust killing of Jews in Europe never happened, who is now on the U.N. Womens' Rights Council, and from the text of his speech (Winds of Jihad has it) thinks Iran should sit on the U.N. Security Council, and wants the entire world to embrace "monotheism" in the form of Islam and thinks it's his place in history to begin Armageddon by destroying Israel. So after Ahmahnutjob's speech, Obama's response was that it was offensive and hateful.  Then Ahmahnutjob retorted to Obama's criticism as being amateurish and insulting. See what I mean, school-yard: take that. No, you take that. No, I'm going to take my ball and go home. Good Grief. Don't we have an adult in the White House?

A couple of interesting things of note did happen at the U.N. last week. According to U.K. Mail, Obama, who gave his speech on a day that the Israeli delegation didn't attend due to a Jewish holiday, called for the establishment of a Palestinian State within one year, and not once mentioned Palestinian Hamas which refuses to accept Israel's right to exist. So Israel is to acknowledge Palestine, which they do; but Palestine doesn't have to accept Israel. The other thing of interest I have to thank Bobby for bringing to my attention. From Reuters News Agency; the Swiss president of the General Assembly opened the U.N. meeting by calling on the world leaders at the U.N. to fulfill it's global governance role. To which, the Czech President said that the U.N. should leave global governance alone and let the national governments take care of their own. He said they would destroy the markets and the chance for economic growth and prosperity; and also that the U.N. should stay out of science, including global warming. That seems like a more worthwhile exchange than the juvenile mud-slinging between Obama and Ahmahnutjob.

I awoke to the news this morning that while he was in New York City, Ahmahnutjob met with Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam and Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panthers Party. So I looked it up on the internet, and sure enough, they had a "secret" (did they really expect to keep it secret?) meeting behind closed doors in a conference room at the Warwick Hotel. Ahmahnutjob stayed at the Hilton Manhattan East while in town. Nobody knows (yet) what was discussed in this not-so-secret meeting, but with those three getting their heads together, it sure can't bode well. You can be sure if I find out more, I'll let everybody know. I also got an interesting email outlining how often the Arab Countries vote against the U.S. at the U.N., and how much we still send them in aid. I looked it up on Snopes. The letter originated in 2003, and didn't specify if the figures included the entire history of the U.N., so Snopes took an 18 month period between 2003 and 2004 and checked it out. While the email said that most of the Arab Countries voted against the U.S. on U.N. measures about 70% to 80% of the time, Snopes found it was even worse; Snopes came up with an average of 88% that Arab (muslim) Countries didn't support the U.S. position at the U.N. That was 6 years ago; I can't imagine it has gotten any better; and yet, we are still sending them billions of dollars in aid each year.  Also interesting is what Snopes discovered about how our allies vote in relation to the U.S. stance on U.N. measures. Our allies, Britain, Australia, Canada, China, etc., withheld their support between 40% and 60% of the time. Our staunchest ally, drum roll please, is that much-maligned thorn in Obama's side, ISRAEL. Israel had only opposed the U.S. in 11% of the U.N. measures in the Snopes study.

And to keep this particular blog post from being dry and completely uninteresting, one last thing on the U.N: I was watching Meghan Kelley on Fox News while eating lunch today and a report by Trace Gallagher caught my attention. Some high ranking Air Force officers in the U.S. and Britain have reported that on several occasions unknown craft have hovered over our nuclear missile sites, disabled and disarmed them, then disappeared. They are calling upon the U.S. and British governments to make public the classified material they have on extraterrestrial crafts and beings. What does that have to do with the U.N.? This: the U.N. has named an official "Alien Ambassador" to greet any aliens from outer space, when and if they ever make themselves known. And these are the people who want to govern the globe. The official U.N. Alien Ambassador wasn't named in the report and I'm not sure I care enough to dig into who it is. If it's not Obama, they probably made the wrong choice. Sorry this isn't up to par, but it's all I've got in me today.
Until next time, Happy Trails.

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