Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dream on, DREAM Act

The DREAM Act - Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act - is a nightmare of an attempt by the Democrats at a back-door run at amnesty. Even the ultra-left-wing publication, the Huffington Post, says it's a last shot towards appeasing latinos before the November election. In case you haven't heard of it, the Democrats have used one of their favorite tactics: burying proposed legislation inside bills that have absolutely no relation to what they are trying to slip past the American voters. Case in point: the Health Choices Commission (aka Death Panel) was set up inside the Stimulus Bill, and is headed by Tom Daschel. Once the Stimulus Bill passed, the Commission came into being and started setting up offices across the country. The "official" title is The Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research, it was funded with $1.1 billion thru the Stimulus Bill, it's stated purpose is "to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make", and it's end result is "to slow costly medical advancement and consumption". (American Thinker 8/15/09)  Another case in point is the student loan takeover which was hidden within obamacare. (Washington Examiner 3/19/10) College funding has now been nationalized (much like Government Motors), and the only place to go to for a student loan for college is to Uncle Sugar. You can bet Uncle will want to have a say in what students study and where they attend. There are other examples of  "hide the act" but people need to start looking into things for themselves. I can tell you, trying to discover exactly what the Democrats in Congress are up to behind their smoke and mirrors is like playing "Finding Nemo". The DREAM Act has been snuck into the Defense Authorization Bill. How dirty is that? (Wikipedia)

The DREAM Act is supposed to creat a "path to citizenship" (there is already a "path to citizenship" - it starts at the Embassy in their home country) for illegal (there's that word again - ILLEGAL) immigrants between the ages of 12 and 35 (35?!!!) who came here before the age of 16 and have been here for at least 5 years. They have to have graduated from our high schools, be of  "good moral character", attend college for 2 years (they don't even have to finish), or go into our military for at least 2 years. Where do I even begin? Okay. Start with the military service. The United States has long allowed immigrants to serve in our military, but they were here LEGALLY. I am not comfortable allowing people who are here illegally to enter our military service. They need to be checked out and approved for legal entry into the United States, first. Now, on to the student aspect of it. There are an estimated 65,000 illegal immigrant students who graduate from our high schools every year. That's paid for out of our tax dollars. America has a high drop-out rate among it's own minority citizens. We have a country that is almost bankrupt, and we need to use more discretion on how our tax dollars are spent. The money spent on educating people who are in this country illegally would best be spent finding a way to encourage our own young at-risk students to stay in high school, graduate and go to college and fulfill their own dreams. We have so many that are falling thru the cracks because so much attention is going to illegal immigrants instead of to the young Americans who need that attention. Logically, after bearing the expense of putting illegal immigrants thru our high schools, next comes college. Once the DREAM Act halfway provides legitimacy (Senator Hutchison tried to get it changed to temporary student visa and renewable work permit but the Democrats shot that down in favor of permanent residency), the illegal immigrants will have residency status for the purpose of higher education benefits. I.E., they could then hold out their hands to Uncle Sugar for college funding. And since banks and financial institutions can no longer offer student loans, and the only place to get a college loan is thru Uncle Sugar, it will all be paid for thru our tax dollars.

How, you might ask, is the DREAM Act a back-door approach to amnesty? Follow along with me; between the student and military aspects the DREAM Act is estimated to affect 2,000,000 (2 million) illegal immigrants. After 6 years they can become citizens. Thru "sponsorship" they can then sponsor for citizenship the parents that brought them here illegally in the first place. Thus, back-door amnesty. Don't fall for it. Dirty Harry Reid is going to try to push it thru next week. Call or write your Congress critters and insist they vote against it. You can go to and send free faxes to your House and Senate members.

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