Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Christian church, Muslim speaker; does it count?

Yes Obama Went To Church Last Sunday BUT To Hear A MUSLM Speaker!

I recommend Theodores World as a wonderful place to learn the truth; it's a beacon of light in the darkness. Are we surprised that everything Obama does relates back to either his progressive socialist ideology or muslim sympathies?  No, we're not. Every move circles back to one or the other; but in this case, thanks to the investigation skills of Wild Thing, we see this move circles back to both.

He went to a Christian church, yes: but to hear a muslim, pro-Palestinian speaker; in a church that's part of an organization affiliated with the largest and oldest community organization in the country. Founded by the way, by Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book, which is the "bible" of progressive socialists including Obama, to Lucifer.

Please read the article; it gives all the details and the sources of the information. Stuff that lame stream media didn't bother with. Not even Fox reported on this. Speculation has it that his church attendance was to counteract suspicions that he's really a muslim; this is not the way to do that. Somebody told me once they didn't care what happened once Obama was elected; their main concern was getting him elected.

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