Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gangsta Government Rap / Infidel

Last night I got this in an email from the "Minnesota Majority". I almost deleted it because I've never heard of the Minnesota Majority and had no idea how they got my email; although I sign every petition and send every email and fax I can, so it's not much of a surprise when I get unsolicited emails. However, I do have an open mind and always want to know how the other side thinks. It's good to know the motivation behind the actions of people you don't agree with. Anyway, I assumed this would be a paean of praise for our so-called "gangsta government"; I assumed wrong. I watched the video, expecting to hear justifications for what has happened in America the past 2 years; it was just the opposite. The video is rap; I don't usually care for rap, I'm old enough to not consider it music. This one is well done, and I could understand most of what Infidel was saying; however, they were nice enough to include the words on the website. So if the words don't scroll below the video, or you just want to read the words and not watch the video, go to the website here www/GangstaGovernment.org/

Minnesota Majority is a non-profit government watchdog organization. The website above is worth a look. Check out the tab "Family Portrait" for a picture of the godfather and his capo's. There is a petition, yes I signed it, demanding the government stop the out of control spending. There are free emails, yes I sent them, to your Congress critters and Obama, demanding they stop the actions that are destroying America. Under the tab "The Evidence" there is a list of articles chronicling the actions the administration has taken that are nothing short of thuggery.  One article was from last week; I don't know if y'all noticed it in the news, so I'll mention it here. Remember the almost trillion dollar Stimulus/Spendulus Bill? Well, $111 million went to Los Angeles to "create" jobs. After sitting on the money and the statistics for a year, Los Angeles reported last week that the city and county had "created" 55 jobs with the $111 million. That's over $2 million per job. That's criminal. That's fraud and theft of our tax dollars. It would have helped the economy more if  Los Angeles had held a raffle, picked 111 deserving Americans and given them each $1,000,000.  Don't take my word for it. Check it out. Go to Gangsta Government and read the article for yourself.

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